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Profile files for escribe


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Hey guys, I'm very new to the dna200, but learning..Does anyone on here know of a site where they have different profiles available for download.. I.e. Profile for Ni200 coil for uwell crown tank, or .1 titanium coils for the uwell Rafael or profiles for the 2 different coils for the herkales plus .. Profiles like that.. I got a Vaporshark dna200 and it had a couple of profiles in it but just generic ni200 or titanium profiles.. Could someone please point me in the right direction for different profile files for different coils for different tanks.. I would really appreciate it.. I don't thing people understood what I was talking about before, but I was told by an "expert" to phrase it like that and all the people on the forum would understand why I'm getting at/looking for. Any links to sites or within the forum would be great!! If possible, I'd like ones with cool graphics On the but that isn't that important, I can figure out how to make those Thanks a million!

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hi, afraid you have to set and save your own personal settings for coil, temp, preheat, punch, time, wattage. Thus when you change your atomiser or coil you can select a preprogrammed profile. They are all down to how you like to vape, that's the whole idea of the DNA 200: fully customisable control.

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Well, I know that it's fully adjustable, but I'm just wondering if so. People,who make up profiles for different tanks, it might give some of us non advanced users a starting point.. I.e. If you have a crown tank vaping pretty nice, share the file and let us check it out and tweak it even more to our settings/preferences.. Anyone out there that has setup any sub ohm dna200 profiles for and the different coils you get tanks (I.e. I'd love to find a herkales plus profile to,tweak on).. We should start sharing profiles on the forum

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I would have thought the default settings when you open the box would be a good starting point for you, you can then start tweaking things from there.

For a nickel coil, you obviously want a profile with Nickel 200 selected; but beyond that you'll have to experiment to find out what works for you - everyone likes something a little different. The benefit of a chip like the DNA 200 is that you can get this set up the way you like it rather than a generic setup. There's so little to worry about once you have the profile open you'll be up and running the way you like it in no time.

Ask away if you have questions about any of the settings - but you'd need to deal with those even if you had a file generated by someone else anyway.

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