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LAVABOX The battery killer

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So my lavabox is having an issue (it wont vape) or do much of anything screen lights up on plug in but wont charge and my battery is out of wack. sad thing is i just bught a new lipo from volcano and within 5min of vaping my box did well this to it.
my box has some.......green stuff on the bottom battery connection but idk how to clean it or take this box apart(i have a deeeeep fear of ruining anything on this pricy beast
but atm its a paperweight ALSO!!! i tried recovery charge idk if it was actually doing it cause nothing popped up :/

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Did you even charge the battery after receiving it? Off of the assembly line, lipos are usually about 40% charge. This is also the recommended charge state to store lipos. Although they lose 1 or 2% of their charge per month. It seems like at least your cells started out high enough because the DNA200 won't let you fire it if it wasn't within specs.

Charging low cells is kind of tricky. I normally wouldn't do this for more than 10 minutes. But that is in EScribe and in the Device Monitor, Diagnostics (button), Advanced, and then Perform USB Recovery Charging. This will attempt to charge up very low cells which normally won't be chargeable.

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This is what i did and nothing I'm not sure its working but my real issue is my lavabox has done this to 2 different lipos from full charge to zip in about 4-6 min of vaping
I'm running recovery charge atm and its rising slowly but surely i suppose

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Now I am getting concern. How warm is it where you are at? Device Manager states it is in the 90's there? Is this correct? And if possible, I would try to get all of the cells above 3.2v. And try the same with the other lipo. I also wouldn't leave it alone and touch it every few minutes to make sure it isn't getting too hot. If you can get this far, remove the battery and contact Volcano and get a RMA started. I am serious, I wouldn't trust it alone with batteries installed or plugged into the USB.

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Yeah that is way off its 70 in my house and the box is cool to the touch ive seen people with the same problem just clean the board with iso but i have no idea how to get the board out OR IF I SHOULD
i take electronics apart and fix them all the time but my mod is my baby Lol also I'm with the mod as we speak. there was a gu on this forum somewhere that had this issue and fixed it by cleaning a bit of juice off the board but like i said idk how it comes out and don't want do damage anything.

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Well yes, it could be juice in there causing all of this. I still don't know what that green stuff could be on the battery connection. I also don't know enough about the insides of the Lavabox (except how to remove the battery). So I don't know what it takes to get to the board. And yes, a proper cleaning could indeed correct everything for you.

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Sadly no i don't have a multimeter I'm thinking these readings are all wrong though i cant for the life of me find instructions on getting that board out though so many people say they've done it i see no screws or mounts at all ... its crazy i mean this is the nicest box ive laid my hands on but damn XD

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Yes I figure that panel has to come out. But I don't know if it is snug in there or not. Gently press on the buttons and see if it moves at all. You can try plugging in the USB cable (not connected to a computer or anything) and push very slightly and see if that moves. Be very gentle as the switches and USB port is delicate.

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i got it out and cleaned it after air drying i got it all put together and the mid cell is finally going up (pretty quick too) fingers crossed but I'm thinking the problem is solved as i haven't seen the warranty screen nor the check battery as has been the norm for me heres a screenshot
Not quite out of the woods yet but this the best its been so far

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Cloudsville said:

i got it out and cleaned it after air drying i got it all put together and the mid cell is finally going up (pretty quick too) fingers crossed but I'm thinking the problem is solved as i haven't seen the warranty screen nor the check battery as has been the norm for me heres a screenshot
Not quite out of the woods yet but this the best its been so far

do you have an actual multi meter to test individual cell voltages? i would do that. if all three are at the the same voltage (even) then you have some cleaning to do or you have a bad connection somewhere between batt and board. but i hope you got it straightened out with this cleaning.
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