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Not going to apologise for putting this post on here, i know it has nothing directly to do  with  evolv or the dna chips but for the future of vaping please sign this petition, it is possibly the most important petition we have had yet regarding e cigarettes in the UK.

and if the UK sets a precedent maybe that will help the case against the fda.

main article is here link

petition is here Link

thanks for looking

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Signed it earlier and will be emailing some MPs and Lords over the weekend with my personal story, but numbers on this petition are still very very important, spread #LordsVapeVote.   It's 27 minutes before this terrible legislation has to be implemented by every country in Europe, many have not got it ready yet, by it will be UK law in 25 minutes.  We have this brief window until June 10 to do something about it so if you are in the UK don't live with regrets act now or suffer the consequences of TPD Article 20.

20 mins now, I'm a slow writer, dyslexic

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