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question about "temperature protected" message

KRoNiK xo

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Hey guys I just got my wismec reuleaux a few days ago, and im still in the process of getting comfortable with the software and escribe.

I was wondering if it is normal when firing the mod in temp control with SS316 to get the "Temperature protected" message intermittently on say a 5 second drag.

its a .17 cold ohms spaced ss316 build and i have it set to 65w temp 420F and warmup pre-heat power set to 140.

also, if i want the best temp control experience should i have "temperature dominant" ticked in escribe or no?

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Yes Temperature Protect means it has reached your temperature setting. You can turn that off in EScribe. Whether you have Temperature Dominant checked or not depends on how you vape in TC. Some people tweak the vape by wattage. And others tweak by temperature. If you adjust your vape by temperature, and leave your wattage at 65 watts for example. Then you usually want the Temperature Dominant checked.

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the temp protect message is nothing to be concerned about. all that message is doing is letting you know that you're not exceeding your set temp and the board is adjusting wattage accordingly to keep you from exceeding it. you can disable that message, if you so desire, in escribe under the theme tab. as for whether to be in temp dominant or not, that's a matter of preference. with temp dom, you adjust temp on the fly rather than wattage and vise versa when not in temp dom mode. for me personally, i like to run all my tc builds, wires, etc. in temperature dominant mode. i find it's easier to find the right temp for the build, juice and my liking when in TD mode.

edit......dollar short and day late...bill's on the ball. 

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awesome, thanks for the responses! :thumb:

what would you guys recommend i vape at for wattage in temp mode (usually around 410-440F)? does it matter?

also, what should i set the ramp-up power to? I watched pbusardos DNA video series and he mentioned it should be higher than the actual vaping wattage, but by how much?

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try both, temp dominant and wattage dominant mode and see what you like best. as for preheat setting i think you're just fine with 140 watts as your preheat power setting. it's what you like and are comfortable with. escribe is there for you to tinker/play with. try a few different preheat settings - play around with the power and punch and see what works best for your build. it's a great program for dialing in a perfect vape experience.  i would also recommend watching the escribe training video, lots of info on what the program can do. here's the link to the escribe interactive training course -


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