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Vt 133...is dead


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good afternoon . I have a problem: I charged from your computer are new hcigar vt133, updated firmware, disabled ... turned off the cable, decided to add the power, the unit began to smoke out of buttons to increase and decrease the power ... now only switched on usb cable and writes check battery ... Help mee ((please (

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Co0mrad said:

good afternoon . I have a problem: I charged from your computer are new hcigar vt133, updated firmware, disabled ... turned off the cable, decided to add the power, the unit began to smoke out of buttons to increase and decrease the power ... now only switched on usb cable and writes check battery ... Help mee ((please (

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This is just a wild guess because I'm new to DNA 200 as well but I do know that I read that 200 board was never designed to use to 18650 batteries it was designed for lipo so there's no reverse polarity protection. Is it possible you put your batteries in the wrong way because that will kill your mom and would explain why you're only getting power from USB cable

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While the DNA200 doesn't have reverse polarity protection. But if you did reverse the polarity, it is suppose to blow just the fuse on the board and save everything else. Also the HCigar VT133 added reverse polarity protection that the batteries must pass through before getting to the DNA200 board. Although I haven't tested any of my four yet to see if the reverse polarity protection really works.

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