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VaporShark fire button registers extra pushes


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Have any of you VaporShark 200 owners experienced their shark's fire button registering 5 clicks for just a single button push? I find my mod locks often when simply pushing the button. Happens mostly when I thumb the device rather than triggering it with my index finger. Also, when purposely trying to lock, it will sometimes lock/unlock very quickly with just a few quick pushes making it hard to adjust temp, materials, atty lock etc.
I've been seeing this behavior since about a month after purchase, but it was just a minor annoyance. Now I'm randomly picking up the mod and finding it's locked quite often, and it's steadily getting worse. I'm out of the warranty period with VS and reluctant to send it back for service (it's my only DNA200).
I've seen where some people have reported liquid can get down in there, but I don't see a good way to open the mod up like you could the old rDna's.
Could this be the problem? Any advice on how to clean out the board compartment? Or should I bite the bullet and send it back to VS?

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VaporShark is very reasonable on their repair charges even if the board needs changing ..... I've seen where your issue may be liquid on the board or switch, the fire switch itself, the onboard switch, or even a loose connection... you may be out of warranty by VS but the board is warrantied for one year....  


if you are comfortable working on the VS you could diagnose and repair yourself without messing something else up ....

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  mrplow999 said:

Have any of you VaporShark 200 owners experienced their shark's fire button registering 5 clicks for just a single button push? I find my mod locks often when simply pushing the button. Happens mostly when I thumb the device rather than triggering it with my index finger. Also, when purposely trying to lock, it will sometimes lock/unlock very quickly with just a few quick pushes making it hard to adjust temp, materials, atty lock etc.
I've been seeing this behavior since about a month after purchase, but it was just a minor annoyance. Now I'm randomly picking up the mod and finding it's locked quite often, and it's steadily getting worse. I'm out of the warranty period with VS and reluctant to send it back for service (it's my only DNA200).
I've seen where some people have reported liquid can get down in there, but I don't see a good way to open the mod up like you could the old rDna's.
Could this be the problem? Any advice on how to clean out the board compartment? Or should I bite the bullet and send it back to VS?

My VS DNA 200 is back in Miami Florida for the second time. first time the board went out. this time the finish was peeling off of the device and the fire button was auto locking, exactly like your problem. dealing with VS's customer service has been nothing short of top notch. as retird said they have very reasonable repair costs. who knows, you could get lucky and pay nothing. they might give you the hook up. i would say If you're having trouble finding out how to open the VS DNA 200, i would say bite the bullet and let an experienced tech do all the hard work.

edit....unfortunately since this board is made specifically for VS by evolv and is a proprietary board, evolv will not warranty the board. your only shot at a new board is through VS themselves and they won't send you a board or ANY parts. you have to send the device in. i found all this out first hand.......
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Thanks for the reply's.
I'm thinking I'm going to open an RMA with VS. I found a video online that showed a tear down, so I opened up the mod and everything looks clean and dry on the board. I guess it has to be the fire button going bad.
The only drag is that I'll be without the mod for the next couple weeks. This is my only DNA200 device. I have a rDNA40, but the 510 on it is flaky too. Oh well, first world problems I guess.

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