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Triade DNA250 inop after one 250watt toot...


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HELLO EVERYBODY!!! New guy here so be nice please:hug: 

Ok so here's the problem I have, I went out and bought a Triade DNA250 and 3 Samsung 30Q from Evolution vaping a little over 2 weeks ago, as a "night out" mod and a back up to my Panzer DNA200. All was going fine, have been vaping at wattage's ranging from 60-150, and builds from .3-.09 Ohms, batteries always charged on my Nitecore I4. But last night, I decided to see how hot 250 watts was compared to 200 watts. I slapped in some fresh from the charger batteries, hit the up button until it wouldn't go anymore, The build was a .11 Ohm in flat 20g stainless wire, in the Limitless 24 rda (which i had been using the whole week before and still am using). After a quick 2 second pull, followed by a bit of coughing, yeah it was a bit warm, went for another pull and nothing, Screen didn't light up or anything. Pulled the batteries and checked the voltages, all sat around the same 3.6-3.7 volt mark, so they are all ok, chucked them back in the mod, plugged in to Escribe, the screen on the mod lit up VERY dimly, but still no go firing. So called up device monitor to see if i could find anything out. And i did, cells 1 & 3 Reading normal at of 3.95 volts, cell 2 reading 2.18 volts!! Ok maybe it was a dead battery, pulled them again and put them back in different places, back on to device monitor, still exactly the same, cell 2 at 2.18 volts. So I think either the mods wiring or the board has gone KAPUT! my one try at 250 watts has killed the mod/Board.

So my 1st question is am i looking at this right, and the board is seeing each battery like a cell in a lipo? or am i way off the mark.

2nd Question is, has anyone come across this before, and know of a easy fix or is it a returns job?

Thanks in advance guys:thumb:

**Update time**

Talking to the guy at the local vape shop, and his done the same as mine and he had just sent his back too. so it seems like it's not just one off. Anyway, I sent it back for testing and replacement. Got a call today telling me that the fuse had blow on the board, new one being sent out today:D it will be interesting if the vape shop guys one has the same problem. Just got to remember to leave the 250+ watt vapes to my little cricket.

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if you leave the cells out of the mod and reflash the firmware. try that ( firmware version - 1.2 SP5 then try 5.2).EScribe and FW link are inside of my sig.

can you contact the vendor for a return? sounds like you just received the mod.
lost vape does have a warranty repair center.....


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Sorry for the late reply guys...

VapingBad said:

Yeah just like the cells in a Lipo 3S pack.

I have not seen it before, sorry.

Thanks buddy. 

ChunkyButt200 said:

if you leave the cells out of the mod and reflash the firmware. try that ( firmware version - 1.2 SP5 then try 5.2).EScribe and FW link are inside of my sig.

can you contact the vendor for a return? sounds like you just received the mod.
lost vape does have a warranty repair center.....


Thanks for the advice, tired reflashing the firmware with no luck, also notice its not recognising any atty i screw on either. Going to contact the vendor first and try my luck, see what they have to say. Then the warranty centre if i get no joy from the vendor. *I'm in the uk and cant find a repair centre over here:(*

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