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Cloudmaker Evolv DNA 200 HELP! Auto firing....


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Sitting in a drive thru with my mod in the cup holder and it started firing on its own. i had to pull the battery to stop it. I tried updating the firm/software and reseting to defaults but now it just has the + button as fire button and is always activated, i have to press the + button to stop it from firing....Need help!

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I was thinking that if the fire button is jammed down and fiering the mod, will it not switch off after 15 seconds.. am not sure if there is an issue with the screen ribbon fold holding or snagging against the button and holding it.. other than that, I have had this happen with mods that have been opened up and swarf or a fieling or tiny piece of conductive material has logged against componant legs and shorted them out, across a mosfet legs will make it fire and also burn it up..

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Thanks for the welcome and the replies! The fire button does nothing and the + up button is like an inverted fire button. It auto fires until I hold it. The minus button changes the profile and clicking the + five times locks firing....I took the whole box apart and checked the ribbon and the board and the battery. Cleaned the entire frame and checked the board for juice spill. Nothing worked. :( I tried firmware updates, nothing. I don't know if I can remap the buttons or something... This is what the box looks like and I guess if anyone need a picture of the internals I can take one and post it after work -_- thanks for all the help!


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nakedxsnake said:

Thanks for the welcome and the replies! The fire button does nothing and the + up button is like an inverted fire button. It auto fires until I hold it. The minus button changes the profile and clicking the + five times locks firing....I took the whole box apart and checked the ribbon and the board and the battery. Cleaned the entire frame and checked the board for juice spill. Nothing worked. :( I tried firmware updates, nothing. I don't know if I can remap the buttons or something... This is what the box looks like and I guess if anyone need a picture of the internals I can take one and post it after work -_- thanks for all the help!

i would open a help ticket with evolv, explain the problem. sounds like button signals are getting mixed. if re-flashing the firmware or hard reboots doesn't fix the problem and you know there is nothing on the board that shouldn't be, i doubt it's something you can fix yourself.
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