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Posts posted by CMK

  1. The moment a temperature-sensitive material is selected, the temperature monitoring is active; even if the TC mode itself is not yet activated. If the temperature calculated (based on the change in resistance) is higher than the stored limit value at high power, the chipset switches off with the error message "Temp protect". So only anneal with material "Watt", otherwise with the error message first turn down the power (start at 25 watts and keep looking)

  2. A well-known "problem" is the profile change with a warm / hot coil; the DNA chip compares the resistance of the coil with the data stored in the profile. If you now change to a profile with a hot SS316 coil, where this coil is already (cold) stored, the chip will not recognize the coil and ask whether a new coil is available. Confirming "no, use old settings" should help.

  3. Hello first, the resistance fluctuates with temperature-sensitive material (ss316) is normal - it only enables temperature-controlled vaping and operation with the replay function. It is important that you let the coil or mesh cool down to room temperature after annealing and only then measure the resistance exactly once. It is essential to wait before taking another measurement. Even with the short measurement, there is minimal heating, so that the result increases continuously with measurements in short succession. So measure 1x after cooling down and then there should be no problems.

    • Like 2
  4. EScribe Suite 2.0 SP27

    For US-based customers (Windows): https://downloads.evolvapor.com/SetupEScribe2_SP27_US_ServicePack.exe

    For international based customers (Windows): https://downloads.evolvapor.com/SetupEScribe2_SP27_INT_ServicePack.exe

    For customers using Linux, see the beta thread.

    MacOS version to follow...


    --- DNA 100 Color, DNA 250 Color ---

    "Hide this profile." option, if you want to use less than 8 profiles.

    Highlighted fields now time out after a while. This is nice for themes with very visible selection colors.


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  5. vor 14 Minuten schrieb zark:

    Возможно, я ошибаюсь, путаница с Фарингейты и Цельсии, но температура доски 80°С, а температура батарей менее 50°С (по ощущениям)

    Тогда вы на самом деле перепутали ° F и ° 😄 112 ° F = 44,4 ° C.

  6. vor 6 Minuten schrieb zark:

    Это сообщение платы "too hot" , я сейчас не возле компьютера, но мне кажется что это при температуре 112°С (но я не верен, что правильно помню)


    Пока я знал только, что чип для контроля заряда предположительно сертифицирован до 85 ° C ... Я не мог ничего узнать о собственных чипах ДНК.
    Однако при температурах в этом диапазоне я думаю также о соседних батареях; Насколько я знаю, они не любят температуры выше 65 ° C.

  7. vor 3 Stunden schrieb zark:

    1. Несколько раз на моей Триаде было сообщение про перегрев чипа ( температура доски свыше 100°С). Это происходило при вейпинге во время зарядки батарей. Экран никаких проблем.

    Personally, I find this point very interesting; I already worry about the health of the board and display from 60 ° C - so far I have not been able to find out from the official side when the firmware will display its own overheating warning.

    • Like 1
  8. I have one question - do you charge the batteries externally, or in the mod?

    My thinking goes in the direction that the display might (!) be damaged by overheating. When charging 2 cells in the mod, the board heats up to almost 60 ° C at a maximum charging current of 2 amps. With 3 cells it should be a few more degrees. The chips are approved for higher temperatures, but I don't know how the display will work.

  9. vor 5 Minuten schrieb jabmen:

    You're tottaly right, and i agree with you. Unfortunately the brand doesn't say the same! They said exactly the opposite, they "only" assembly and sell the mod, any related problem to performance they point to Evolv.

    As I wrote - Dovpo will provide me with an Odin 75c and then I'll comment on it. (let's see how long it will take him to be with me)

  10. My English is not that good, but as far as I understand it is still not limited whether it is a problem with the 75C or a problem with the mod. The comparison was again made with an Odin 75c.
    So I find it a bit presumptuous to discuss problems with mods in an Evolv forum, since Evolv does not make mods. A mod is the sum of its parts and the chipset is only part of it (albeit a very important one, of course).
    In the foreseeable future I will be provided with an Odin 75c and will then comment on it at a suitable point.

  11. vor 10 Minuten schrieb Wayneo:

    If you don't self edit I can lock and hide this topic and you can start again , because in good conscience I'd hate for a new user to read the vast majority of these posts.

    If there are problems "with the 75C", problems in operation, false expectations or even faulty hardware can not be ruled out.
    Apart from my own consistently positive experiences, I have not heard of any comparably bad testimonials.

    • Like 1
  12. Hi,
    I can only share my own experience, but cannot make a well-founded, helpful explanation.
    In addition to my various LostVape mods with 75C and 250C chipsets, I also have two Aspire-MIXX. I also operate the latter exclusively in the MTL range, also in the watt range below 20W mentioned. I can confirm the observation that the same vaporizers / coils on my DNA mods require about 10% more power. But we only know what we see or what the mods show us. So I assume that in this comparison Aspire / Evolv is the reason for the control of the chipsets. Both tell us that they WILL fire at 18W, for example - what they actually do afterwards is another matter. At least Evolv lets us evaluate this; even on the mod with a corresponding theme. What Aspire ACTUALLY DONE; we do not know it.

    The difference between mods from different manufacturers with comparable chipsets becomes more interesting. So Odin 75C vs. Thelema (250C).
    I just switched back and forth in the 18W range between 75C and 250C - but both mods from LostVape. I cannot determine any differences in the watt range, in the TC range I've had the feeling for a long time that the 75C is a bit more sensitive here. Both require the same power for the same target temperature.

    The difference seems to actually lie with the two manufacturers Dovpo versus LostVape. I can only explain this to myself with the different electrical properties or the values stored for them.


    ich kann nur meine eigene Erfahrung teilen, jedoch keine fundierte, hilfreiche Erklärung abgeben. 
    Auch ich besitze neben meinen diversen LostVape-Mods mit 75C- und 250C-Chipsätzen auch zwei Aspire-MIXX. letztere betreibe ich auch ausschließlich im MTL-Bereich, ebenfalls im genannten Wattbereich unter 20W. Ich kann die Beobachtung bestätigen, dass die gleichen Verdampfer/Coils auf meinen DNA-Mods etwa 10% mehr Leistung benötigen. Wir wissen aber nur, was wir sehen, bzw die Mods uns anzeigen. Von daher gehe ich davon aus, dass in diesem Vergleich Aspire/Evolv die Ursache in Steuerung der Chipsätze liegt. Beide sagen uns, sie WERDEN mit beispielsweise 18W feuern - was sie dann anschließend tatsächlich machen, steht auf einem anderen Blatt. Zumindest Evolv lässt uns dies auswerten; sogar am Mod mit entsprechendem Theme. Was Aspire tatsächlich GEMACHT HAT; wir wissen es nicht. 

    Interessanter wird der Unterschied zwischen Mods verschiedener Hersteller mit vergleichbaren Chipsätzen. Also Odin 75C vs. Thelema (250C). 
    Da habe ich soeben im 18W-Bereich zwischen 75C und 250C hin und her gewechselt - allerdings beide Mods von LostVape. Ich kann keine Unterschiede im Wattbereich festlegen, im TC-Bereich habe ich schon lange das Gefühl, der 75C ist hier etwas feinfühliger. Beide benötigen für die gleiche Zieltemperatur die gleiche Leistung. 

    Der Untrschied scheint also tatsächlich bei den beiden Herstellern Dovpo versus LostVape zu liegen. Ich kann mir dies nur mit den unterschiedlichen, elektrischen Eigenschaften, bzw. den hierzu hinterlegten Werten erklären.

    • Like 3
  13. vor 44 Minuten schrieb James:

    I have changed the way downloads are counted -- if there are two files, and both are downloaded, in Total Downloads they will only show  up as one download. This will make the count not biased against single-file themes.

    I think that's a sensible approach, which has already changed the counters of some themes a lot. But is actually consistent - the number of colors, logos, languages, etc. doesn't make a theme better or worse itself.

    AND there is more real feedback about the interest in the theme, or whether "just" different variants are tried out. Not to mention the collectors ...


    vor 44 Minuten schrieb James:

    I have also extended the bot detection to remove fake downloads.

    Everyone loves downloads, but now this was really scary - what kind of bot was that? With my "2 in 1" that was ~ 1500 downloads in a very short time!


    vor 44 Minuten schrieb James:

     I have contacted the people who make our forum software to ask if they would make a language-specific "Top Downloads"

    Great suggestion

    • Like 2
  14. Kannst Du problemlos machen - die 250 Grad erreichst Du ja. 

    Mit der Zeit und Erfahrung wählst Du je nach Coil Leistungswerte, welche nicht viel höher als die benötigte Leistung sind; umso feinfühliger, weicher kann der Chipsatz die Leistung regeln. Würdest Du jetzt beispielsweise 100 Watt eingeben, wäre das Ergebnis nicht sehr "elegant".... Probier es einfach aus und schau Dir die Kurve in Escribe an. 

    Mache für diese Vergleiche einfach mal jeweils einen längeren Puff, wenigstens 2 bis 3 Sekunden. Die verschiedenen Diagramme bei unterschiedlichen Wattzahlen helfen Dir zu verstehen, wie der Chipsatz im TC-Modus arbeitet. 

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