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RyBread0808 last won the day on May 14 2020

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  • Full Name
    Ryan Aaron Lombardo
  • Location
    United States
  • What DNA product do you own or plan to buy?
    DNA Go

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  1. Have you used Escribe with your Orion? If you have not I highly recommend that you do. I was also getting only a few days with the pods and it was frustrating because I really like the device, and the pods are not cheap. But once I went into Escribe and played with the settings I have been getting MUCH longer life out of the pods. Personally I set the boost all the way to zero on every setting, and the warmth setting to the lowest which is 1. I also played with the wattage's a little. The boost and warmth setting that are set by the manufacture are just too high for the pods. Definitely go into Escribe though, it makes a big difference.
  2. Hey, I appreciate all of the help that is offered from anyone. No comment is less valuable than another person's. I appreciate u going as far as asking Vapor DNA, that's awesome! Though they didn't really give a real answer, hopefully they are just talking about having them stalk and the rumors are incorrect, lol. One of the same shops I had mentioned in my original post are also saying they are only able to get the 0.5ohm pods and they can't get the 0.25ohm pods anymore.. But I was able to get ahold of the 0.25ohm pods through a reliable website so hopefully they continue to stalk them. Who knows, it's hard to believe what u hear, but until I get a real confirmation I guess I won't belive it.
  3. I have been hearing rumors at a couple of the local vape shops that they are going to be discontinuing the Lost Vape Orion Pod/Mod due to the release of the Lost Vape Orion Q. One of the shops said they can't even get any in from the distributor they go through. I was just curious if anyone else has heard of this, or know if it's a true story?
  4. I found that the power boost, and warmth setting that is factory set when you purchase the Orion is too much for the tiny coil, and small amount of cotton, which cause them to burn up fast. So I went into the Escribe program and reset the power boost settings to 0 across the board, and turned the warmth setting to 1. I even lowered the wattage for both MTL and DL a little and ever since I changed the settings I have gotten WAY better life outta my pods, both the .25ohm, and the .5ohm pods. Just a little tip to pass along, it really made a world of difference and saves a bit of money as well.. Hopefully this helps and you get the same results. Obviously it has allot to do with the juice your using and how much you vape. But I vape with my Orion allot and I found a big difference.
  5. I was honestly also having issues with both .5 and .25 pods burning out fast. I changed my power boost setting all down to 0, and the warmth setting down to 1, and have had a much longer life on my pods. I even lowered the wattage a little for each pod setting. It has mad a big difference in the life of my pods. I use a higher salt nic so I still get a good hit and flavor, I am not too concerned about vapor production. But as far as the room temp I have no explanation for this, but I thought I'd let you know what helped me with helping with longevity of pods.
  6. I found that the power boost, and warmth setting that is factory set when you purchase the Orion is too much for the tiny coil, and small amount of cotton, which cause them to burn up fast. So I went into the Escribe program and reset the power boost settings to 0 across the board, and turned the warmth setting to 1. Ever since I changed the settings on my Orion I have gotten WAY better life outta my pods, both the .25ohm, and the .5ohm pods. Just a little tip to pass along, it really made a world of difference and saves a bit of money as well.. Hopefully this helps and you get the same results. Obviously it has allot to do with the juice your using and how much you vape. But I vape with my Orion allot and I found a big difference.
  7. So... I found the power boost, and warmth setting that is factory set when you purchase the Orion is too much for the tiny coil, and small amount of cotton in the pods, which cause them to burn up fast. So if you go into the Escribe program and connect your Orion you can reset the power boost settings to 0 across the board, and turn the warmth setting to 1. Ever since I changed the settings on my Orion I have gotten WAY better life outta my pods, both the .25ohm, and the .5ohm pods. Just a little tip to pass along, it really does make a world of difference and saves you a bit of money as well.. Pass it along to others. You can also change the wattage that is output with each pod, and for each setting (low, med, high) when you connect you device to EScribe. So if you wanted to up the wattage a bit on all of the setting maybe that might help with your wicking problem with your pods? With the EScribe program, and the DNA board it really gives you the power to play around with it and fine tune it exactly to your liking, Kinda like a regular mod, but just have to hook it up to a computer to do it, and it uses pods. I hope this helps.
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