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  1. @TheSwain Thank you very much! You are a life saver! Paranormal is my first DNA mod which I bought with very high expectations, especially for TC. From the first day on TC just did not satisfied me as I thought it would (It was no better than my other mods). I don't have access to other DNA's so I was not sure if ohm readings were right or not I also don't have a copper 510 threaded pin to test the internal resistance. So put a thick copper wire into an RDA and measured around 0.5 ohms from Escribe. Again many thanks to you, I have found your post and decided to try it out... In my case thread lock was very lightly applied and I was able to unscrew it without desoldering it and using only one pliers while holding the head with my hand. I removed the lock tight and put it back together. However when I tried with my RDA I still read 0.02 it may be because of the wire application or RDA itself just I said I don't have the copper screw. Anyway I set my internal resistance to 0.015 and tried it. And ohh yeah TC is now way much better now
    Best theme made, ust the one I was planning to create myself and seeing somebody already done it! Nice work thanks, should be the default theme out of the box!!!
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