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Files posted by RastaVaper

  1. Classic Advanced

    Classic Advanced
    A stylised and subtle theme based on the stock version and enhancing it with more available options within eScribe so you don't have to plug in your mod to tamper.
    Designed with simplicity but pure functionality and every day regular-use in mind.
    The theme's colours have been optimised to look its clearest and most legible on the DNA250C screen from all viewing angles.
    LED light has been programmed to match the colours on the theme. 
    Please note: The replay function has been entirely edited, please go to the Replay screen to switch it on/off , toggle the warmth,  switch on/off whether it's active on the profile in use and finally if you want to replay your last puff.
    This is designed to work with dual-battery DNA250C mods, the battery functions will not clock the rest of the cells if you're using more than 2. 
    Classic Advanced.ecigtheme


       (1 review)



  2. Xpress DNA250-C

    Xpress DNA250-C Theme
    *Note* The screen shot of the lock's screen time colours are incorrect, they're actually split in half - (numerals are white, am/pm is red) - the screen shot is displaying it incorrectly and merging them 
    Hi! RastaVaper here - this is a new theme I've been tinkering with to accomodate my DNA250-C, designed for simple, intuitive access to the boards deeper functions. 
    *Please note* I don't vape in temperature control - so I haven't taylored the main screen so much for direct TC functionality; apologies - feel free to tweek it as neccessary to your liking 
    I decided to upload this for everyone - few tweeks have been made, any bugs or error's/feedback please feel free to get hold of me through the evolv site - or drop me an email!
    Potentially might update this, change colour schemes and add further deeper functions... see how well this downloads first! Any features you would like personally, just let me know!
    I also accept any private requests, want me to build you a theme just for you? Taylor it exactly how you would like it? Get hold of me, why not! I enjoy it. 
    Dual main screen, custom graphics, rainbow LED light, battery analyser, board stats, annotated menus/screen items,  there's quite a lot to explore. 
    Hope everyone enjoys, happy vaping!


       (0 reviews)



  3. CloudForge VOS

    CloudForge Vaping Operating System 0.2
    CloudForge has returned with another exciting rendition! 
    Heavily redesigned from its predecessors, highly advanced and quite possibly one of the most complex themes available; CloudForge has gained new grounds into pushing the board's capabilities. Designed for intuitive operation and valiant, colourful display, CloudForge VOS should exceed the expectations of what the firmware capabilities of the DNA75C can achieve. 
    Filled with rich content, intense detail and vast, multi-toned vibrant coloured assets - CloudForge promise to impress whilst truly demonstrating and utilising practically everything the board has to offer.
    Vast, dynamic and packed full of rich features - CloudForge merges the concept of Themes and Firmware to create the ultimate ThemeWare!
    Forged in the clouds, CloudForge VOS is equipped with:
    - Dual Main Screens with large, clear and easy to read font combinations and colour pallet (and a cool wattage control bar!)
    - Battery Analyser 
    - Ohm Tab 
    - Dynamic, condition-related multi-tonal colours on all screen elements (eg. Firing, Ohm locking, battery voltage, etc)
    - 3D Colour Scrolling Effects on the Main Menu's
    - Fully annotated menu's and on-screen elements 
    - 24 screens of information and  detailed vibrant colour
    - Intuitive Operation and navigation 
    - Full access to the board's capabilities both in aesthetics and functionality
    -Ohm's Law basic formula included
    - Researcher's Page
    - Ambient Rainbow LED's & other colour effects!
    Any queries or feed back are most welcome! Please get in touch 
    Thank you for downloading!
    and thank you to the lovely folk at Evolv
    Quick Start Guide: Continue to press Down Button to access Main Screen 2 and Quick Menu Shortcut
    (Press Up Button to return)
    Wattage Power will be confirmed with a (H)igh, (M)edium or (L)ow indicator
    If no temperature set, No TC will be displayed instead
    Battery Analyser information, Percentage and Indicator Bar will adjust colours for charging confirmation (please give some colour effects a few moments to catch up and buffer)
    Ohm's will become monochromatic upon locking
    Developer Notes: 
    - meticulously developed in my spare time between work and parenting, a lot of detail and attention poured into this, sincerely hope you all enjoy!
    - wattage bar bug known about (very minor issue)
    -main screen 2 puff counter oddly reads into second decimal place (I have no idea why at the moment!)
    - multi tones had to be removed from some selectable items due to extensive buffering time's
    - board has been pushed with its capabilities
    Developer: RastaVaper
    Contact: spontaneousmangos@gmail.com


       (3 reviews)



  4. Sith Lord Edition

    CloudForge Vaping Operating System  (ThemeWare v.015)
    CloudWars: Sith Lord Edition
    IMPORTANT: Please install the included fonts (StarJedi AND Strjmono) onto Windows before flashing CloudForge onto your device
    The most advanced edition of CloudForge to date!
    More than just a theme! Blurring the line more in what defines a Theme and Firmware - Welcome to CloudForge ThemeWare
    CloudForge is a vast and diversely constructed ThemeWare Operating System - designed specifically with Vapers in mind - utilising nearly ALL the assets and control algorhythms of the DNA75C board to give in-depth functionality , customization and a nigh unrivalled experience of the board's native elements. 
    Pushing the board to its boundaries CloudForge is highly fine-tuned for intuitive navigation and operation, CloudForge VOS should provide every vaper with a wealth of useful information and tools to aid them with every puff!
    Forged in The Clouds, by Vapers FOR Vapers
    Sith Edition Features:
    - NEW Graphical User Interface! 
    - NEW EFFECTS - Firing  away or locking  the ohm's on a new atty -   watch the screen's colours and artwork come to life!
    - NEW QUICK MENU - Get to the juicy bits quickly!
    - HEAVILY UPGRADED UI and User Experience - The most advanced rendition of CloudForge VOS!
    - Dual Main Screens for extended access of puff information
    - FULLY Star Wars Themed Annotated Menus, Shortcuts and On-Screen Elements (Are you merely corrupted or The Dark Lord Himself? Your wattage dictates!)
    - Kyber Crystal Analyser - keep your lightsabre charged! (and your 18650..)
    - Medicholorine Tab - asses the force (and your ohm's) 
    - Ohm's Law Formula available  (and other goodies)
    - Over 20+ Screens of eye popping information!
    - In-depth Board Control and software functionality
    - Completely structured like an Operating System - move aside, Android! 
    -  Gradient Rainbow LED's, Board Specs plus more features!
    - A lot of detail and operating functions to explore and find
    Jedi Droid V2 and CloudForge 0.16 coming soon! 
    Developer Notes:
    - Bugs squashed out - if any discovered please contact
    - 1 watt increments only , you will have to adjust internally for 0.1 if desired
    - Board memory limitations restrict the use of more than 1 background image  
    - developing assets of the boards software has been pushed 
    - developed meticulously in my own time in between work and being a father of two! sincerely hope you enjoy
    Thank you for downloading CloudForge, please send any feedback
    (it would be much appreciated!)
    Have any ideas? Any theme's you would like to see? Any design concepts?
    Contact me please! 
    It would be great to collaborate!
    Much love to the vaping community!
    Big Thankyou to the Evolv Dev Team
    Big Thank you to BobaFont for the font used
    Link: http://www.dafont.com/star-jedi.font
    and a BIG Thank You to LucasArts and it's parent company Disney - trademark and copyright owners of anything and everything Star Wars
    Disclaimer: This is a non-profit theme developed for fun - all rights and trademarks belong to their respectful owners and proprieters
    Developer Contact: RastaVaper


       (1 review)



  5. CloudForge VOS Jedi Droid Edition

    CloudForge Vaping Operating System  (ThemeWare v.014)
    Jedi Droid Edition
    IMPORTANT: Please install the included 2 fonts onto Windows before flashing CloudForge Jedi onto your device - file download below with a link alternative
    More than just a theme! Blurring the line more in what defines a Theme and Firmware - Welcome to CloudForge ThemeWare!
    CloudForge is a vast and diversely constructed ThemeWare Operating System - designed specifically with Vapers in mind - utilising nearly ALL the assets and control algorhythms of the DNA75C to give in-depth functionality , customization and a nigh unrivalled experience of the board's native elements. 
    Pushing the board to its boundaries CloudForge is highly fine-tuned for intuitive navigation and operation, CloudForge VOS should provide every vaper with a wealth of useful information and tools to aid them with every puff!
    Forged in The Clouds, by Vapers FOR Vapers
    Jedi Droid Edition v0.14 Features:
    - Enhanced interface and operations over CloudForge VOS 0.13
    - NEW Graphical User Interface! 
    - Classic DNA style  (but from a galaxy far far away)
    - Dual Main Screens for extended access of puff information
    - FULLY Star Wars Themed Annotated Menus, Shortcuts and On-Screen Elements (Are you a Padawan or a Jedi Knight? Your wattage dictates!)
    - New Jedi themed Main Menu buttons
    - Kyber Crystal Analyser - keep your lightsabre charged! (and your 18650..)
    - Medicholorine Tab - asses the force (and your ohm's) 
    - Ohm's Law Formula available  (and the sacred code of the Jedi!)
    - Over 20+ Screens of eye popping information!
    - In-depth Board Control and software functionality
    - Completely structured like an Operating System - move aside, Android! 
    -  Gradient Rainbow LED's, Board Specs plus more features!
    - A lot of detail and operating functions to explore and find
    Dark Lord of The Sith Edition coming VERY Soon! Stay posted!

    CloudForge Regular Edition to recieve 0.14 update soon
    Developer Notes:
    - Bugs squashed out - if any discovered please contact
    - 1 watt increments only , you will have to adjust internally for 0.1 if desired
    - Board memory limitations restrict the use of more than 1 background image  
    - developing assets of the boards software has been pushed - a lot i wanted to add in extra... tried and just can't!
    - developed meticulously in my own time in between work and being a father of two! sincerely hope you enjoy
    Thank you for downloading CloudForge, please send any feedback
    (it would be much appreciated!)
    Big Thankyou to the Evolv Dev Team

    Font Source:  
    Big Thank you to BobaFont for the font used
    Download link: http://www.dafont.com/star-jedi.font
    (You need to install both Starjedi.tff AND strjmono.tff)
    ...and a BIG Thank You to LucasArts and its parent company Disney - trademark and copyright owners of anything and everything StarWars
    Disclaimer: This is a non-profit theme developed for fun - all rights and trademarks belong to their respectful owners and proprieters
    Developer Contact: RastaVaper


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