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Everything posted by Si98justme
In my experience, it’s not always the connection, but it is a great majority of the time, on all 3 of my DNA 250c devices. When they start acting up and throttling, I unscrew an tighten the atty a few times and it fixes it for a few days, until something (even tarnish on the brass that most 510 pins are made of) gets in there. Even some spilled or excess juice that has wicked between the mod and the base of the atty can cause it to give me grief. Moral of the story, it’s exceptionally likely that there is something going on in the connection between the board, through the wires, through the connector, through the atty and finally to the coil/s. At any one of those points there could be a connection that is less than ideal, the DNA 250c is particularly fussy when it comes to resistance changes (arguably a good thing) and demands the strictest consistency. My advice would be to check your solder joints to and on the 510 or the mechanical connections (if you built the mod yourself, it sounds like you did). Another thing to do is make sure the center pin is completely clean and is bright shiny metal, and that the atty makes sufficient contact with the pin and base of the 510. On my Triade 250c, the ground nut wasn’t completely making contact with the 510 even though it was tight, I had to come up with a fairly creative solution to get it to make a solid connection. One way to work out where the loss in connection is, is to use a multimeter and measure for voltage from each output on the board to the post of the coil on the same polarity, for both polarities. Ie: measure the voltage drop over the entire wire from board to that leg of the coil. If there is any significant reading near or above a few millivolts, then there is some issue with the connection. If all that checks out, then you probably have a rare dodgy board. Anyway hope that you understand my tips and that helps you and others get to the bottom of similar issues.
I think it's safe to mark this thread closed. Since the latest versions of Escribe for Mac OS are on the main website (no longer being maintained here), and the last comment in this thread was nearly 2 years ago, at the time of typing this.
Hi all, It might also be worth noting that I tried replay during a recent period that I was getting the throttling message often. It was also reporting “check atty” and behaving exactly the same. This is with the latest international version on the latest service pack, not the one posted here.
I agree, fortunately I have 3 other DNA mods which aren’t giving me issues... otherwise I would likely have moved onto other brands. We had to wait a long time for this board, and almost 6 months and 3 pages of posts later, we still have not seen an update addressing this issue. If replay wasn’t an option this thread would be inundated with people having the same issues. I doubt it’s a hardware issue since for the most part TC works perfectly, so when Evolv eventually sees this thread hopefully it will be a fast turn around for an update...
I can confirm that it’s a board or firmware issue. I’ve changed themes and firmware versions multiple times. On some themes the issue seems less prevalent. But surely this is coincidental, since given enough time it eventually does start acting up and dropping out of firing once the “temp protect” message is displayed. Whether there’s a firmware issue that hits an issue and displays that message, or the message itself that triggers the issue is unknown. It is however a real issue with either the firmware or board. My guess as to why this thread isn’t getting posts as often as it should, is perhaps people are using their DNA 250c in other modes than normal TC mode. @Evolv please look into this! It has been months where we have been having this issue with no new firmware that might fix the issue.
I have been testing and it definitely completely stops firing at any time the temp protection message is shown, regardless of what that message is. This behavior definitely stops when another theme is used. I changed it from “throttling” to “temp protect” and get the exact same issue, when the message pops up. In device monitor, while in mid firing it cuts all power to the coil as if I had let the button go. This happens regardless of whether the built in button or an external is used. It doesn’t seem to do this with other themes I have tried. Since the theme creation is only possible in the GUI that Evolv provides and doesn’t seem to direct impact the firmware, I’m starting to wonder if it’s something to do with that field type and the firmware or some other conflict that’s causing the board to drop out of firing when the message is displayed. So I’m not pointing fingers either, but perhaps the theme settings, features or interactions are somehow behaving in an unanticipated way, even though it seems like there isn’t any way it can.
Hey all, I'm also getting this issue also on the Gauges theme in version 2. I was running a self modified version of an earlier version of the theme (1.5.0 iirc) on a Paranormal DNA250c without this issue. I am now using the board in a homebrew/Stealthvape kit and a 4s Lipo before the V2 update, on the exact same mod, I had no issues. After a few days, I saw that there was a Gauges V2 out and decided to upgrade. Since then I have been getting the "throttling" message every 10 or so puffs. It is definitely not a connectivity issue, since I used a copper 510 threaded plug to set up the mod resistance after the transplant, and got a resistance lower than the resistance I got in the Paranormal (I am using the max gauge wire for the output in the DNA250c datasheet). After reading the posts from everyone else, and having my own experience with the same atty on 5 different DNA mods. I can say with 99.9% certainty, that there is an issue with the theme or that the board doesn't like the way the theme is interfacing with that feature. BTW the atomizer I'm using is the DJV Dejavu
Hi Guys, Sorry to necrobump this thread. If you do get this error and your battery meter shows that its not at 100%, even though on Device Monitor it shows all cells as being at 4.20v. You can try the following, which worked for me when I ran into this error on my DNA250. Step 1: Open the Escribe>Mod>Battery tab Step 2: Set your "Wh" setting to "1", then upload. You should see it show 100% charged. Step 3: Set the "Wh" to whatever it should be and upload, It should now still show 100% charged. It might be worth noting that I reinstalled the Service Pack I was using first to try fix it to no avail, however I need to mention it in case it was a factor in resolving the issue and the above steps don't work for anyone with the same issue.
For the most part I would agree with you, however a lot of us vapers that would be interested in the new 250c, probably have several other legacy DNA mods (I have 3) which I often switch between for various reasons. On your example, I would now need 2 different cables for my mods alone and that’s not counting the lightning cable for my phone. There are multi cables available to resolve this, but while they would solve the issue for me, they would do the same for you and many other people. Unfortunately mentioning them kind of renders our points moot.
Wow, I know manufacturers, will more than likely get first “dibs” on all info around these new boards, which is fair play, since Joe Public won’t be buying them by the crate. Hence the teasers from Thinkvape. However if this much info is already circulating in the wild, it makes no sense to me that we don’t have at least a data sheet on the Evolv site. At this point we “know” it’s the same electronic functions of the current 250 just with the new screen and UI, also the physical dimensions. So is the reason we, as Joe Public can’t have data sheets and at least an official information release, because something has gone wrong, or changed? Have Evolv possibly delayed public release due to something we don’t already “know” about the board? Am I just living under a rock and missed the release somewhere?
Yeah, in my excitement I didn't read the part that said, only 250 and 75c were supported. So when I posted that, I was under the incorrect assumption, it was working for 75 and 200/133. I know, RTFM
Oops well I assumed since it was working on my 250, it would be on my 75 and 200/133, well it's unfortunately not connecting to either. I'm sure you're already aware but I thought I'd flag it in case you weren't. System: OSX El Capitan 10.11.6 (15G1510); MacBook Pro (15-inch, Late 2011); 2,4 GHz Intel Core i7.
Just found this beta now! EPIC! Thanks for the effort. It could look a bit better and the theme editor could be more intuitive, especially for my 3 DNA's (250, 200/133, and 75 non-color), although it seems you're already on it. So far it does all I need it to and more, so I'm well over the moon with what we already have at this point (sure beats the pants off VM and an old laptop just to do the very occasional tinker). Can't wait for that last little bit of polish.
PBusardo said in one of his videos that Evolv were in fact working on it, and the dude he was interviewing said they were close, so there is a bit of hope. Although, I don't remember if that was just the theme editor for the 75 color...
From the screenshot, it seems cell 1 is taking a very serious nose dive. Try substituting for another one (assuming all of the 6 hg2's you have are brand new). I'm using a Triade as well and I'm using hg2's too. Fires 200w even with unmarried cells. In your case I'd say the internal resistance of cell 1 is way too high, and if you intend to vape it at 200w it's actually a bit risky.
Feature Request - Added Display Settings
Si98justme replied to Si98justme's topic in EScribe, Software and Firmware
Hi guys, gals Might I be bold enough to request a possibly very subjective feature? I'd very much like an additional screen setting for idle mode. While the active and charging screens are awesome, I personally would like to set up my active screen show: temp, volts and amps. For charging: WH, USB current and percent full. But it would be great to be able to monitor each cell as well, and that could be possible if I had a third screen. Also in temp mode, while firing (active), I think the wattage could be less prominent because it isn't used as much once you set it and is of almost no relevance. Maybe it could give way to 3 slots like there is for the other side. This might not be an issue for most, especially those with Windows PCs at home. I however, only have a Windows PC at work and a Mac at home, where I actually have time to poke around with Escribe and device monitor to see individual cells. I think it would also come in handy for when we are out and about as a way to pick up a dying cell before it gets too low. Anyway just a thought, possibly not that hard to integrate to the DNA 200, but would add so much possibility for customisation.