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Everything posted by jarred.sayles

  1. I'm not understanding what u mean about "power double with ss wicks in gennies"[/QUOTE] Double the value I set for watts, so running the genny at 40 W I would typically start with 80 W preheat as you have to be more careful the high currents with dual Ni coils can cause arching to the steel wick, but as the wicks age I can go higher and often get to 3 times.[/QUOTE] What's a Genny?[/QUOTE] Stainless steel rope wicks with stainless steel mesh covering, this is 0.16 mm (34 AWG) Ni200 so with very high current if there is any short through the wick you will pop the coils before you see the problem. And with thicker wire the current can cause an electrical arch to the wick can burn a hole in it or weld to it. Fantastic vape, especially with ribbon Ni200, but the only situation I have found where high preheat can be a problem. [/QUOTE] Those look awesome I've been Vaping over 2 yrz now and that's the first I've seen or heard of them does the Vale taste better?
  2. I'm not understanding what u mean about "power double with ss wicks in gennies"[/QUOTE] Double the value I set for watts, so running the genny at 40 W I would typically start with 80 W preheat as you have to be more careful the high currents with dual Ni coils can cause arching to the steel wick, but as the wicks age I can go higher and often get to 3 times.[/QUOTE] What's a Genny?
  3. I keep trying to use TC with my Crown and Herakles plus 316L SS prebuilt coils but they keep jumping g back to normal mode. With the new update I may try the new 316ss materials. I'm just wondering how off the TC curve will be not being 316L grade.
  4. What settings do most of you use as far as preheat power, punch, and time limit when using Ni200 or other custom materials. My temp control is working fine on my Lavabox but I still can't seem to dial in on that "sweet spot" like I could other mods. So I'm curious as to what other users use for settings on Ni200 as well as SS and Ti
  5. Thats what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna run my case thermals 1 or 2 mode times and see if the values are close and if so. Take an avg. number of the values.
  6. When I asked the volcano rep the case thermals their cooling time constant value was higher than their heating time constant. Where all of ours is the opposite. Anyone have any idea why that is?
  7. Ran Mine at 72°f Only had about 30% charge Cooling constant 549.09 s Heating constant 714.95 s USB Change Temp Rise 7.44°F 14.45°F/A
  8. Right. After giving it some thought. I figured thats what it was. SO I changed it and it did work. But now Im wondering if you do have the brightness on while charging how much longer will it take to fully charge with the display showing some what?
  9. your charging brightness is set at 0. set it at 50 or higher. lol, this question is asked so many times. don't worry i had to ask the same question when i got my first dna 200. [/QUOTE]
  10. I don't know if this is a glitch or a setting I have not set as of yet. But I have the standard "default' fields for the main screen but on the "charging screen" it's supposed to show my battery meter percentage and usb current (standard). Does anyone know why when I am charging my lavabox it still shows the main screen values and not the charging parameters?
  11. I have version 1.0.32 and 2015-8-21.sw.update is this the newest version possible
  12. I hasd the same problem a couple of weeks ago when I got mine. Go jl to the toolbarfi d the the buttonththas the option "connect" for some reason this made it connect initially while "co next and download settings didn't" Hope this helps.
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