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Everything posted by Chodi

    I just installed your latest version on my DNA75C. I have a question; when you enable Replay in the settings for a profile that uses temperature control it no longer allows you to set the watts only the temperature? Could you explain is there a way to set the watts in TC with Replay enabled? If not, then what is it then using for the watts setting?
    I like this theme very much. I am using it on HCigar Vt75D. I am little confused when using this in vw wattage only mode it is still showing a temperature setting on the display? I would have thought that if you were in a non-temperature mode such as Kanthal or Nichrome it would not show any temperature setting in the display? Other than that issue the theme is wonderful and very easy to read.
  1. I had a similar problem and solved it by changing the csv profile for 316L. I downloaded from Steam and that was not to my liking so I looked around on the forums and found one that worked for me. If it is a new build everything is tight and clean then I would try a different profile.
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