Hi James, I downloaded the newest, newest firmware and I only have on question/request. I use a GoodTimes font custom Theme. I like how you added the extra screen for hold to change temperature and hold to change power. My question is would it be possible to add one extra screen for Temperature locked hold up and down? As it is now, if you are using custom screens, there is only one screen, so you have to choose if you want to have power locked hold up and down or temperature locked hold up and down. I understand there are probably limitations on memory and this is in no way a complaint. Just a question wondering if it's possible. Since I mainly use TC, I went ahead and made a Temp Locked custom screen and I'm using it. Doesn't make sense for me to be in the Temperature Dominate mode and have power locked coming up when it's the temperature I have locked. Hope this makes sense. Thanks again for all your hard work! Cheers, Steve Edit I realize if I use the default screen it switches automatically between temp locked and power locked. I guess my question boils down to: Do we need to use the default screen to get it to switch or can an extra screen be added for those of us using custom themes?