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Everything posted by Wingsfan0310

  1. For Ni200 and Ti01 I've been using 80 watts preheat, 5 punch, for 1 second. I've been experimenting with basically shutting down the preheat with the 430 SS I received from Unkamen Supplies (1 watt, 1 punch, 1 second). I've been really happy with it so far. So much so, I haven't used anything else since getting it. As for settings. I use mainly Billow V2's and Bellus's (dual coil RTA's). I'm normally at 30-40 watts and 420-450F depending on juice. Cheers, Steve
  2. Then why are all these DNA 200 lipo box mods being advertised as 50/55 amp continuous/pulse discharge?[/QUOTE] They are 50-55 amp max output from the chip. I was telling you what the input to the chip was from the batteries. The chip steps down the voltage and steps up the current. They are different things. The batteries are wired in series (11.1v). Voltage x current = watts. If your batteries are at 11.1v would need to draw about 18 amps if you dialed up 200 watts. Once the chip gets the power it will step down the voltage and step up current depending on the resistance of your atomizer (within the chips limitations, in this case a max current output of 50 amps continuous and 55 peak iirc. Not sure what max voltage output is - I'm guessing it's around 9v). Cheers, Steve Edit: VapingBad and I were typing at the same time. I need a refund on that speed typing class I took
  3. The link is working here as well. Are you trying to download the link from the first post on the first page of this thread? Cheers, Steve
  4. That's for discharging the batteries. I thought it use to be capped at 23 amps. All DNA200's that I'm aware of charge at 1 amp except for the Vapor Shark which charges at 2 amps. Cheers, Steve
  5. Steve, have you seen James's latest post where they just released a newer version 1.0.39 where I believe the exact request you desire has been added?[/QUOTE] Hi Jim, I had saw his post and had already downloaded and installed it (firmware 2016-2-12). It's 2 different problems. I had downloaded the first update (firmware 2016-2-10) the night before. The problem that was fixed was screens #10 and 11 from the top in the theme tab (Hold to change tmp and hold to change power). I'm talking about screen #8 (power locked hold up down). What I was asking for was if an another screen could be added for when I have temperature dominate checked (temperature locked hold up down). As it stands now there is only one screen (screen #8 from the top in the theme tab). It changes automatically if you have the default screen selected (between power locked hold up down and temp locked hold up down depending on if you have the temperature dominate box checked in a profile). If you are using a custom screens, it doesn't change. You would need another screen slot added if using custom screens. I hope that is making sense. Cheers, Steve
  6. Hi James, I downloaded the newest, newest firmware and I only have on question/request. I use a GoodTimes font custom Theme. I like how you added the extra screen for hold to change temperature and hold to change power. My question is would it be possible to add one extra screen for Temperature locked hold up and down? As it is now, if you are using custom screens, there is only one screen, so you have to choose if you want to have power locked hold up and down or temperature locked hold up and down. I understand there are probably limitations on memory and this is in no way a complaint. Just a question wondering if it's possible. Since I mainly use TC, I went ahead and made a Temp Locked custom screen and I'm using it. Doesn't make sense for me to be in the Temperature Dominate mode and have power locked coming up when it's the temperature I have locked. Hope this makes sense. Thanks again for all your hard work! Cheers, Steve Edit I realize if I use the default screen it switches automatically between temp locked and power locked. I guess my question boils down to: Do we need to use the default screen to get it to switch or can an extra screen be added for those of us using custom themes?
  7. Updated all 4 of my DNA200's last night. So far, so good. Just wanted to thank everyone at Evolv and James in particular for all the hard work! I was happy before the update. With more features, I'm even happier now. Win, win situation for me. Thanks again! Cheers, Steve
  8. Yes, it's perfectly safe. I've been using an Anker PowerCore 20100 to charge while out and about myself. They are very nice imo. Cheers, Steve
  9. In Escribe, you have 3 choices on the Theme Tab in the Temperature Protected line: 1. Show Message 2. Show Temperature 3. Don't Show If you pick number 3, it doesn't show anything. I have it on show temperature myself. Cheers, Steve Edit As I read your post again, I'm sure if it was the Temperature Protected warning you were referring to.
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