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Everything posted by Wingsfan0310

  1. Mike, My numbers came from me running the Case Analyzer when I received the mod. Cheers, Steve
  2. Here you go Mike: Case Cooling Time Constant 479.05s Case Heating Time Constant 372.64s Case USB Charge Temperature Rise 10.98F 15.13 F/A Minimum Ambient Temperature -20F Maximum Ambient Temperature 110F Cheers, Steve
  3. That's not happening on any of my 5 DNA200's. I'm running the newest test firmware (2016-02-23). I saw your post yesterday so I put an atty that was warm on one of my mods. The resistance was .02 higher, like I would expect. Let it sit overnight and it dropped back down to where it was supposed to be. Is this happening on your two VT200's with the same atomizer? If it is, might be a connection issue (510 or head to atomizer), bad coil, etc (just guessing). I actually tested it on a VT200, so I'm not sure what's going on with yours. You're the only person that seems to be having this issue, so it would seem to me it's probably an atomizer problem. I'm using Billow V2's and UD Bellus's. I build my own coils using SS430 and they always come out to .28-.29 ohms. My resistances have been steady on all my DNA200's (VT200, DX200, Reuleaux, and 2 Lavaboxs (all updated). Good Luck, Cheers, Steve
  4. The only thing that comes to mind is the file extension might not be .csv, it probably saved as a .txt file extension. If so change the file extension to .csv and it should work fine. Cheers, Steve
  5. If you have Comcast/Xfinity then Norton comes free (it's included at no extra charge). Another thing that comes to mind, if Win 10 is giving you an erroneous warning, wouldn't the antivirus program that comes with it give you the same warning. One last thing since Win 10 is new and you gave up on Norton years ago, how do you know the Win 10 antivirus is superior to the newest version of Norton? Just curious.
  6. Thank You James, I already updated all of my mods . After installing the update I noticed a Temp Locked Hold Up Down screen was added. Really nice for those of us who are using custom themes. I asked and you delivered. Very Much Appreciated!!! Cheers, Steve
  7. That setting is for input current to the board, not it's output current. As far as I know, the input current is limited to 23 amps. I'm not sure why you can set it to 24 amps unless Evolv raised the limit. The chip-set has a 25 amp fuse that is a hard input limit, go over that and the fuse will blow. The output limit is 50 amps continuous, 55 amp pulse, this is achieved by the chip stepping down the input voltage and stepping up the input current. Cheers, Steve Edit To answer your question, you can set the Max Pulse Current to 23 or 24 amps (I'm just not sure what the max actually is, 23 as is written the spec sheet or 24 as what can now be selected in Escribe)
  8. You can do it in Escribe in the general tab in the Atomizer Analyzer (bottom of the page). It only takes a few minutes for a hot tank to cool off though. Cheers, Steve
  9. Hi Jazz, No I haven't done that. I thought that was a way to have it not charge (while hooked up to Escribe) or charge at less than the 1 amp maximum supported by the charging board. If I'm wrong I apologize for giving you bad information, but I think what I posted first is correct. Good luck. Cheers, Steve
  10. You are welcome my friend. I'm glad you got it sorted out. Don't worry, in no time you will be a pro using Escribe! That's what were here for, to help each other out. Cheers, Steve
  11. You have to go into Escribe and in the mod tab increase your Charging brightness. It comes set at 0%. I raised mine to 60%. You can set yours higher or lower to taste. Cheers, Steve Edit After increasing your charging brightness, don't forget to click the Upload Settings to Device tab.
  12. You can set the maximum discharge current in the mod tab. You can not set the charge current. That is determined by the charging board in the mod. As far as I know all DNA200 boards charge at 1 amp except the VaporShark which charges at 2 amps. The way I understand it VaporShark has a custom board that supports 2 amp zip charging. Cheers, Steve
  13. When I installed the newest Escibe/firmware on Windows 10 I got a warning about invalid or corrupt signature iirc but at the same time Norton scanned it saying it was fine. I just clicked on install anyway and it went smoothly. I didn't need to install new drivers or anything. What version of Windows are you running? Cheers, Steve
  14. It should have 8 profile settings. All of the firmware's I have tried have 8 including the newest beta 2016-02-12. Where did you send it for board replacement? Are you positive it has a DNA200 board in it? Have you tried more than 1 USB cable? Lastly, have you contacted the place you sent it to for the board replacement with your issue? I know it's a lot of questions, but what your describing I've never heard before. More details might better help someone figure out what's happening. Cheers, Steve
  15. Sorry about that. I figured the curve would be more accurate than 1 set number. Here's a TCR chart listing most wire types we would use. I've tried 430 both ways and didn't really notice a difference, but I usually set my temperature to 420F.
  16. You can also download the TFR table from Steam Engine as a CSV file to your PC located here. Click on the drop-down box and select the material you are interested in. Then click on the DNA200 tab and finally the download TFR table as CSV tab (pay attention to where you are saving it to on your PC). Then go to your material tab and click on the + button to add a new material. Then you would click on the un-named material you just added, then click the next button to the right of the + tab which is the open material button. Then navigate to where it (the CSV file) was saved on your PC and click on the CSV file and open. That's the way to add a curve instead of a single TCR number. Hope that wasn't confusing. That's the way I do it. It names it for you from the CSV file. Cheers, Steve There is probably an easier way to do it but that's the way I always downloaded my CSV files before the update so it's what I'm use to. If anyone knows an easier way, I'm sure they will let you know.
  17. I wasn't trying to be argumentative Bobby. I did however miss the dual Claptons part. I had seen him post he changed coils and got it working so I figured it was either a bad coil or connection. I'm using simple dual 7 wrap 2mm (it's a touch springy so I think they may be closer to 2.5mm) coils with 28ga SS430 so I don't think for me ramp up will ever be a problem lol . Cheers, Steve
  18. It was probably the coil, not the preheat if you had it at 80 watts. I'm using SS430 with the preheat off and I never get kicked out of TC. A loose post screw would probably do it too. I change my coils approximately once a week (I have 200 feet of SS430, figured I might as well use it lol) Edit SS is/can be finicky because for the most part it's TCR is on the edge of what mods can deal with. That's why I'm using 430 because of it's relatively high TCR (.00138) for SS.
  19. You welcome, glad you got it sorted. Nothing to be sorry about. This is a forum where we are supposed to help each other out. You were having a problem, asked a question, a couple of us answered and problem solved. That's the way it's supposed to work. Cheers, Steve
  20. Hold the + and - down to lock the power/temperature. Then press + or - twice quickly as Margucci said. It's the same as it was before the update(s). Cheers, Steve
  21. yeh, mine did that so i just right clicked on the warning and selected install anyway..[/QUOTE] Mine did that as well. Norton was telling me it was alright but Windows 10 was giving the warning. Installed without a hitch as soon as I clicked on install anyway. Cheers, Steve
  22. The way I understand it they are SS coils with Ni200 legs. I would try either the SS 304 or SS 430 Curve/TCR. I don't have the crown, that is just what I would try if I did. Good luck! Edit The curves can be downloaded from Steam Engine Cheers, Steve
  23. Did you try locking power by holding up+down button?[/QUOTE] After locking the power you either click twice on the + or - to begin scrolling up or down through your profiles. Cheers, Steve
  24. Is there anywhere to get Nife30/48 in the USA. I've been wanting to try it, but never see it listed anywhere. Last I knew, it was only available from Germany. TIA Cheers, Steve
  25. That's the way I see it. That's why I said I've been experimenting with shutting the preheat down. I've only done that on the 430 SS. Was just messing around with the settings trying to get the smoothest curve I can with SS. Since I like a cooler vape (420-450F), it doesn't seem to have adversely affected my vape. I would say it's just a touch smoother since it doesn't jump up right out of the gate. Still just experimenting with it though, nothing is set in stone. Cheers, Steve
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