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JaI Haze

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Everything posted by JaI Haze

  1. Well I couldnt find the forum, but the DNA60 when you adjust the settings for the screen fire to turn off or not turn bright does nothing. The setting saves, but it acts like you didnt do anything when you use the mod.
  2. Did I miss something? It seems to configure the battery option is not available anymore with the new escribe. How do i go about configuring 3 18650 on the dna200. I cant seem to change the mah of the battery just the cut off
  3. Quick question, I know the 200 is more efficient than the 75 but if it comes down to brass tax and both are running dual batteries, Series in the 200 obviously and parallel in DNA75 which batteries would last longer?
  4. yeah see its 900mah I wanted to bring it to 13 for better life
  5. yes I was aware of that one, thats what started this whole conversation on youtube. The issue I am having with the therion is I get weak battery 50% and below with hb6's AND it doesnt discharge the batteries evenly as a parallel. I knew about the contacts but when customers are buying them I dont want to tell them hey when you get home change the contacts out. And thanks chunky for letting me know that. So its not a battery issue per se, its more of a contact issue
  6. ok one more question, do you know if there is a list of what batteries fit in what or is it a hit or miss, measuring dimensions of the internal tray so to speak. I know there is a good amount of DNA200 mods out there and this list would be extensive but I saw the sheet that has charts and what not just not what fits in what
  7. ok there is no one that makes a plug and play plug for the lipo balance connector bill? I dont want to make a catastrophic decision. I can solder the black and red to board no problem its just all those other colors. Trianopia color blindness is not on my side here
  8. thank you for clearing that up VapingBad. But im still a little lost, so your saying putting in series (this cant be done with dna75) correct? Again I am not an electronical engineer nor do I claim to be. Learning is the key here, would like to know. My argument is there is not one mod out there aside from older dna40's (SOME) and the cloupor gt80 (series) that is dual battery parallel under 80W. At least I cant think of any.
  9. ok quick question; I am kind of embarrased but the wiring for the balance connector, if I was to get one of these batteries and wire it up. I see the pos and neg but the other 4 wires that go into the connector, is there a number scheme I could use instead of colors? Maybe I cant do this manually, unless I ask employees to help me out with the colors; its just super embarassing
  10. here you go https://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/threads/evolv-dna-75.733672/page-3#post-17519116 I hate to get him into the conversation but im not getting it....unless I dont know how to read the internet "But I don't understand why you are only considering parallel cells when series cells are better on safety and performance with the right board. EG. a DNA 200 in 2 cell operation (133 W) using series cells is >= 97% efficient and monitors each cell individually. With parallel cells you loose the better efficiency of step down only regulation, the individual cell monitoring and depending on the mod have a very real danger of generating extreme currents inserting cells if they are at different voltages"
  11. so why would i still be getting the weak battery using 1 hb6 or even 2 hb6? Are we 100% sure on this? I was looking at VapingBad post on ecf and I think he questioned the validity of using the dna75 with parallel battery configuration.
  12. I am getting into quite a debacle with someone over this. I am sure 99% of you are going to answer this the same way I do. Is there any point in having DUAL batteries in a DNA75? My point is if youre using dual 18650 its not going to stop the weak battery message because its in parallel. And you cant run the DNA75 with series batteries for a multitude of reasons and there is no point as you would just get the DNA200 if you wanted to run series battery on a DNA. I would like this to be clarified from you guys since alot of you work on this board religiously and know the ins and outs of the board
  13. 21mm W x 69.5mm length x 25mm D is the max I think becuase the hana is very limited in the room I got
  14. yea see in the Hana and the vaporshark the batteries are to small. I hope the size of the top one you posted works best. What did you put yours in
  15. I have been looking thru the forums and I want to pick up the best internal I can get my hands on for all my dnas, any help would be greatly appreciated
  16. oh ok I was misunderstanding it because this "It will shorten the life of your batteries a little"
  17. so it will hurt the batteries, that was my concern
  18. If I lower the cut off to say 2.9 how much of an effect long term will it have on the batteries? I know thats really low and at the point of damaging the cells but what kind of numbers are we looking at. Will it totally destroy them?
  19. yeah when its plugged in when you swap batteries it is fine because its still got a current going on. Just like you can turn it on without batteries in it. But the problem is for people using wattage mode and it not reading correctly. I tested the TC thing as Bill is having issues and sure enough now I am experiencing the same problem as him. Keep in mind im only doing this on dna's where the battery or batteries come out. 75 and 200.
  20. @vapingbad as far as the lock mode save, this is something your saying for a future firmware correct? I tried locking it and then taking batteries out
  21. Bill I am sorry if I caused you trouble. I just wanted people to see it since some people didnt get how it was happening. I think the easiest way to do it would be do the locking trick but apparently the wound goes deeper then just my superficial problem. Could also use a flash memory of 2mb to save the data
  22. wait are you saying if i lock the device NOW before swapping batteries it wont change, or you saying for future firmware upgrade does it
  23. see the problem could be solved by adding a setting to go into sleep mode faster maybe? Maybe a way to do a soft reboot, or when you take power OUT OF it it tries to save the setting maybe? The fact more and more people are coming forward with the issue and more issues with it in TC mode now, it should be able to be fixed right
  24. you know what it RESETS to, when the screen goes in standby mode and what the hits where when you replaced the batteries before it. I know thats a pain to try and figure out. Here is an example. If I have 482 hits and batteries are just replaced its fine. Now I do 200 hits, it will cut the number down to when it was in standby mode (where it shows welcome screen). Or maybe not, im trying to figure out WHY ITS doing it
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