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Wayneo last won the day on February 9

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About Wayneo

  • Birthday August 12

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  • What DNA product do you own or plan to buy?
    DNA 250C, 100C, 80C, 75C, 60C, 250, 200, 75, 60

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  1. There's a reason there's a USB standard. Check the micro standard for pins. And ......... if it's sitting in a dock, you won't be using on-the-go.
  2. Rereading what I've written, I'd suggest you open a Help Desk ticket. There's already a battery management chip in there. Link in my signature.
  3. You'll wanna use page 13 and 14 of the datasheet. Probably leave the usb micro exposed for while you're not home. And they need to be done on the board no matter what. https://downloads.evolvapor.com/dna250color.pdf
  4. We all have blonde moments, glad you got it working 🤙
  5. @alsk1 Just spam, I removed the link. 😂 Normally we Just remove the entire post and ban them
  6. That might work for now, but you should really dismantle and wipe off the board with isopropyl alcohol. The buttons on the board are 3 piece buttons that are easily dismantled. The outer silver with the rubber pointy sticking out. The outer steel can be removed with a flat screwdriver, which exposes the rubber portion, below that is like a silver wafer. Below that wafer is the hard plastic portion soldered to the board. Once you get escribe working, the bottom line in Device Monitor displays when a/if a button is pushed.
  7. Hope you have a voltage meter. If they're both at 4.2V then you need to check and clean all the connections. Both the XT30/60 and the balance cable connector ends starting at the battery side. IIRC pin 0 (-)&1(+) would be cell 1, pin 1 (-) @2 (+) would be cell 2. Each should show 4.2V PIN 0, on the board is the tiny hole at the left when you're seeing the 2 inductors (or no visible buttons). This diagram is for the 250, you would not have pin 4 The photo below the diagram actually shows a DNA200, face/buttons up
  8. @Conanthewarrior please try and remember to update this post when you finally get your devices to connect.
  9. Then I have no idea. You can open a 'Help Desk' ticket and ask them. Link in my signature line.
  10. I only have native C ports on my Air. I plug in to my hub an A to micro cable. You might try turning your dongle 'C' cable around. Do you have any micro devices that pass data with your setup?
  11. Yes, that's the latest. I just tested both a 75 & 200 on my M1 Air and both worked. It was the only thing plugged into my hub. Perhaps try different cables.
  12. Start escribe, click 'about escribe', post screenshot.
  13. Open a Help Desk ticket with Evolv. Newer versions of the 40 came with a ZIF connector for the screen cable. Or you can get replacement boards from Stealthvape in the UK. No idea about drivers for any board. Link in my signature line.
  14. I was not aware of the Lore using a DNA60C. Does it have any USB input? It does not sound like a 'stealth' issue, more like a brightness setting, or a dead screen.
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