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Turning off at 30% DNA60

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Hello everyone. I just got sxk billetbox with dna 60 and found a two problem. My device doesnt see the battery if it not charged at about 80%+-. But it turning on when I connect microusb, and start normally working without it

And device just stop working and turning off at about 40%. I have default settings in Escribe. The cell soft cutoff is 2.75. My batteries is new and my other devices dont have that problem

Thank you for helping!!

Edited by pifanito
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What battery are you using?

Can you post a screenshot like below (Same 3 fields only) while taking a puff. Hover over the puff midway and click for that vertical line. Ideally with a pretty full battery.

60 power screenshot.png

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Posted (edited)
6 часов назад, Wayneo сказал:

What battery are you using?

Can you post a screenshot like below (Same 3 fields only) while taking a puff. Hover over the puff midway and click for that vertical line. Ideally with a pretty full battery.

60 power screenshot.png

Maybe Ive done something wrong

The battery is 18650 3.7v, charged at about 60 percent i think, and it isnt old


Edited by pifanito
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With over 25K on your mod, it hardly seems new, but if it is ... reach out to your place of purchase.

Your mod (thank you for that screenshot) looked fine while firing.

I have never seen your 1st issue (needing to plug in) to awaken the mod.

I'm at a loss, but you can and should open a 'Help Desk' ticket. Link in my signature line.

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3 часа назад, Wayneo сказал:

With over 25K on your mod, it hardly seems new, but if it is ... reach out to your place of purchase.

Your mod (thank you for that screenshot) looked fine while firing.

I have never seen your 1st issue (needing to plug in) to awaken the mod.

I'm at a loss, but you can and should open a 'Help Desk' ticket. Link in my signature line.

Yeah i bought it from another user, it has been sold in 09/2024, just half an year from shop, so i dont expect that.

I think that the problem can be in negative contact with battery, i thought that the paint of the device can just block the voltage, so i wanna try to clear the paint under negative contact and maybe buy a nut for it

And I cant found the "help desk"😕 

Thank you!!

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