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Hotcig DX200 V1 not working with dual 18650 adapter.


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Hello everyone, I have both a hotcig DX200 V1 and also the V2. 

The V2 is working fine with the dual 18650 battery compartment converter, but the V1 powers on, but shows the battery as completely empty. 

If I connect the V1 to Escribe in device monitor, it shows each cell as 0.00 volts, which I know is not true as it is working fine on the V2 mod. 

The way these packs attach is with two main pins that are male on the mod, then underneath is the balance connector which is male on the mod. 

I am wondering if the balance connector is not connecting properly and this is what is giving the error, so any help would be much appreciated as I would like to be able to use the V1 as well as the V2. 

Edited by Conanthewarrior
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14 minutes ago, dwcraig1 said:

I think you are right about where the problem is. 

Take a good look at the solder joints on the board where the board half of the JST plug is soldered on.......for starters.

OK, I will take the mod apart and check the solder joints where they are connected- what exactly am I looking for here? 

Also I learnt something new, I never knew that connector was called a JST connector so thank you. 

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11 hours ago, dwcraig1 said:

Your battery settings in EScribe should look like this when using 2 cells.

Does the mod still work?

2 cell 133 watt.jpg

Yes the mods battery settings in Escribe are set to that for dual 18650 use. 

The mod turns on with batteries in, but just shows an empty battery and will not fire a tank or RDA. 

Edited by Conanthewarrior
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