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Check Battery fault

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I purchased the new Boxer Dual 20700 DNA250C squonk mod from Ginger Vaper. I received the device around the 2nd of April and have been using until the 14th of April when I got a check battery fault. I purchased the iJoy 20700’s from Ginger Vaper with the Mod and the lifetime warranty.

I had just pulled the batteries off the charger took about 2-3 puffs and the fault Check Battery came on. I was assuming it couldn’t be the batteries so I checked the battery well and connections, everything looked clean still. So I bought some Efest 20700’s at a local vape store. Charged them  up and same problem. I plugged up to PC Monday to do a voltage monitor on escribe and it started working again for about 20 puffs this time before check Battery fault activated and voltage dropped to 0v for a fraction of a second. Any help or ideas what is causing this?

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Could be a loose connection at the battery contacts or maybe a loose ground somewhere.... could be other things also .... You might contact where you bought and let them address it since it should be in warranty and opening it up may void the warranty...

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26 minutes ago, retird said:

Could be a loose connection at the battery contacts or maybe a loose ground somewhere.... could be other things also .... You might contact where you bought and let them address it since it should be in warranty and opening it up may void the warranty...

Thanks, I’ve been trying to contact Ginger Vaper for a few days now with no response. Only reason I came here.

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