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Strange Behavior of DNA75C chipset


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Hi guys,

i´ve one "special" boxmod here. It is the vapecige Creator DNA75C. If i have no battery(s) inserted and plug in USB, i can connect to escribe, read my settings, upload settings. After a few seconds it "unplugs" itself from USB (windows sound) and reconnects. Then it does it every second.

Second strange behaviour: If i insert a fully charged battery (only one!), connect it with USB to escribe and open device monitor. Just a few seconds after watching the battery pack level, it begins to consistensly drain the battery. 4.19v... but only "optical" in device monitor, below to around 0.9V. If i take out the battery and put it in charger, it still shows fully charged. Battery is working in another mod flawlessly. It doesn´t matter if i put an atomizer on the device or not. It instantly "drains" the battery to nearly zero. Damaged Board? Or maybe something wrong connected by vapecige? Or maybe a firmware issue?

I´ve seen in escribe, that some manufacturer settings are not filled (min./max resistance of atomizer for example).

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Found the issue. The soldering quality of the Creator was not the best. Several little soldering spots around the 4 pieces on the top sections. I´ve cleaned the board with isopropanol and a toothbrush, resoldered the battery cables and the 510 connection with a little flux after i cleaned the solderpads. Now it is working flawlessly. :-)

Now it works on USB also without a battery inserted. No more unplugging from usb, battery charging is working now, and USB connection is stable.

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