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BlackFriday or CyberMonday laptop deals help


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Need a new small notebook on the real cheap- Just for basic web surfing holding some pictures and files I saw an acer chromebook at Amazon for like $95 - really don't know what to look for as far as processor and memory storage - This is the one I'm talking about let me know http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00MMLV7VQ?tag=androidcentralb-20&m1k=d_ac

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Jentz9517 said:

Now that's what I call dedicated - Good idea

All my other devices are Apple/Mac OS and when I first got my DNA 200 and tried using VirtualBox on my iMac, I bricked my device, rendering it useles. I tried a forced firmware update and my iMac wouldn't allow it. So, I cried out for help, and Blueridge (on this forum) recommended I try rebooting it with a Windows device. However, I didn't have access to one. My first reaction was to find the cheapest laptop I could find, until I read a different thread (again, on this forum) where someone mentioned a few tablets that could run Escribe and had a full sized USB port to plug the DNA 200 into. Instantly, I knew that's what I wanted to do. Next, I searched every resale site I could for the Winbook. I bid on a couple...and lost. Then, one night I was up late and found one listed for $25 that had an hour left. I waited and waited and bid at the last second and won the auction for $35 shipped!! I definitely got lucky. As soon as I plugged my DNA 200 into the tablet and turned it on, it started glowing...I couldn't believe it! Something as simple as plugin it in and turning on the tablet fixed my problem and ever since has been running fine. I highly suggest going to eBay and checking out what they have available. The Winbook TW700 is a fairly accessible and more affordable alternative to a laptop.
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Nice- I have been in need of a new laptop for awhile now- I even had my internet disconnected since I didn't use it much- but am thinking on dropping lousy cable tv bill and picking up internet again then running my Apple TV and one of the streaming providers. That asus c201 seems like a decent computer although I don't know much about them (by design) Lol I guess I should learn more to avoid confusion. Doesn't make sense I know. hey I know I will offset my cost by selling you my Hotcig with an extra battery and an Ashtabula installed new board. Ey

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Jentz9517 said:

Nice- I have been in need of a new laptop for awhile now- I even had my internet disconnected since I didn't use it much- but am thinking on dropping lousy cable tv bill and picking up internet again then running my Apple TV and one of the streaming providers. That asus c201 seems like a decent computer although I don't know much about them (by design) Lol I guess I should learn more to avoid confusion. Doesn't make sense I know. hey I know I will offset my cost by selling you my Hotcig with an extra battery and an Ashtabula installed new board. Ey

How much??
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Make an offer- After the newness of the Wismec wore off- I now realize how much I like the form factor of the Dx for leaving the house- I had an Efusion for awhile but didn't care for that and just this week I wiped the dust off the Hotcig and put it to use a bit- the 510 is seated wrong but that's and easy fix- don't know if you notice much in pic.its miniscule


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Jentz9517 said:

Make an offer- After the newness of the Wismec wore off- I now realize how much I like the form factor of the Dx for leaving the house- I had an Efusion for awhile but didn't care for that and just this week I wiped the dust off the Hotcig and put it to use a bit- the 510 is seated wrong but that's and easy fix- don't know if you notice much in pic.its miniscule

I don't know. You said you have the DX and a replacement battery? Is it the one from Fasttwch? I how are the specs on it? I actually had to replace mine with a FullymX cuz the specs were way off and my battery was DOA. I don't want to spend a lot of money for a junk battery, but it would be nice to have a spare.
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Never ran analyzer but they seem fine didn't have to run recovery on them - the spare I bought from manufacturer was at 3.7 all balanced- I never used the supplied charger. I don't trust it- I have cell cut off at 3.2v I will hook it up to monitor and take a shot when I get to laptop yes it's from FT

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Nice...yeah, I haven't used that charger either. I have been using the USB solely. However, I did just purchase a Turnigy lipo charger from HobbyKing, since it charges over 1a current, in hopes of a faster charge time. Anyways, naturally I'm going to throw out the lowest offer possibly, so please don't get offended if you think it's too low. Will you take $100 for the mod and replacement battery? I'm assuming you purchased yours from GB like I did...

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digatel said:

Nice...yeah, I haven't used that charger either. I have been using the USB solely. However, I did just purchase a Turnigy lipo charger from HobbyKing, since it charges over 1a current, in hopes of a faster charge time. Anyways, naturally I'm going to throw out the lowest offer possibly, so please don't get offended if you think it's too low. Will you take $100 for the mod and replacement battery? I'm assuming you purchased yours from GB like I did...

Pm sent
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