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preheat with kanthal?


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Dumb dumb dumb question guys and gals.

I just got my first dna200 and I'm trying to learn the ins and outs of escribe. Ive asked around on some of the other forums;  but, I'm not finding a clear answer to this. Is there a say to give it a preheat or a, boost type of function on power mode?
I'm also trying to put In the tcr for ss.m

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  • 3 weeks later...

I really wish this was possible. It was my only let down with the 200. While watching reviews no one ever mentioned it, and I just assumed that preheat was preheat no matter what mode you were in. I do alot of "try hard" builds and some of them have a pretty high ramp up time. Sure I can just crank the wattage to get them to heat faster, but then when they get up to temp they are too hot. 

Please evolv add this feature!  I, along with thousands of others, would absolutely love it. 

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NOT having this feature is what is stopping me from buying another dna200.
its the best vape I've had with TC; but, quite honestly not having that feature holds it back in comparison to mods that do have it with kanthal (sx350j...i know thats probably a cuss word here but that board does perform better in power mode because of the boost)

even provape Incorporated a boost feature in the p3.

some call the other company less accurate not as good or lacking something that the DNA has, but here I sit using SS in tc mode not because I love tc, but rather to get similar performance as my sx350j.its that rush of power at the beginning of the hit that I love! Would like to see the DNA be the end all be all of the modders boards but its almost like they forgot about poor little kanthal

please, make it happen and ill order another one now!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not necessarily if it were just a power boost like the p3, sx350j, smok cube or evict.
Let the first second or two seconds gave it 10-20% higher power than the set power output.

I don't think any of us are referring to a temp preheat just a boost mode,  imho it makes dripping on a regulated mod exponentially better. 

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I do. I use ss for tc and do really enjoy it, however, I do prefer working with Kanthal  and  I also really dripping with 22g Kanthal at a 0.18 on my hexohm, the same build can't get the same results on the DNA because

1- would have to use more wraps for the same surface are coverage (can't find anything bigger than 24g)
2-theq RT would be too low to be safely employed
3- a bigger coil to compensate for RT which would not leave  much room for wick
4- the ramp up with Kanthal kills me
5- I wouldn't think it would be that complicated for evolve to add the functionality and myself as well as  others would thoroughly enjoy it and I didn't see an issue asking since we have the opportunity to do so
6- would love to get rid of my other mods and settle with one company.
7- ti tastes like licking a dirty diaper to me
8- I dont like working with nickel at all and believe me I've tried, I've been using a DNA 40 since the first run

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At some point, I guess I don't see why there couldn't be a power profile curve similar to TCR curve and battery discharge curve. X axis is time and y axis is wattage. Enter the values and it fires following the entered power curve. Unfortunately, I think that would sort of negate the whole concept of the board. Non-TC wire support seems more of a legacy compromise. For me, I can't taste anything from any variety of wire I've tried. I use a build that balances cold resistance in the range that works with surface area for the vape I want using wire material with a sufficient TCR at vape temps. For now Ti is best at that.

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Mad Scientist said:

At some point, I guess I don't see why there couldn't be a power profile curve similar to TCR curve and battery discharge curve. X axis is time and y axis is wattage. Enter the values and it fires following the entered power curve. Unfortunately, I think that would sort of negate the whole concept of the board. Non-TC wire support seems more of a legacy compromise. For me, I can't taste anything from any variety of wire I've tried. I use a build that balances cold resistance in the range that works with surface area for the vape I want using wire material with a sufficient TCR at vape temps. For now Ti is best at that.

And ti performance wise is great but I'm one of the few that get that terrible taste from it; and, that's trying 3 different vendors
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