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SS316 Temperature control!


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I would like to know if there is some way to get an automatic way to have the TC with the SS316, i mean for example when i connect my DNA200 to escribe and i try to use the TC, the program ask me if the coil is CUSTOM or Ni200. To use the SS316 now im using steam-engine and getting a custom curve.


There is the possibility to use some kind of preset like the one fro the ni200o.O?? 

Thanks to everyone :D

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VapingBad said:

It is in the latest beta update https://forum.evolvapor.com/topic/66731-topic/

Meh unofortunatly it seems to not be working everytime that i try to put some options it show me an  error :

EEPROM programming failed.

Curve must be strictly incresing. 

EDIT: After unistalling and resetting to defalout all settings everything is fine! Thanks again :D

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