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Wismec DNA 200 "warranty service" message


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Hello guys i just want to clear the things here. I have my WiSMEC DNA 200 blue screen edition and i just bought it last week from a reseller. I checked the serial and my mod is manufactured last january 27 2016. I don't know if this is an issue or what? I am getting a "Warranty Service" message when i press the power button with 2pcs 18650 batteries, but works fine with 3. It is also giving me the message when i take out 1 of 3 batteries while the screen is on. Anyone having the same issue or is it normal? Thanks guys! IMG_20160512_130247.jpg 

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hello thank you for your reply sir, btw so is it normal that if I use my wismec using 2 batteries then the message "warranty service" will appear? and also does firing my wismec using 2 batteries can damage my mod or some wirings inside my mod? because I accidentally pressed the fire button. im sorry for that, thanks

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soulvape said:

IT only works with 3x 18650

Unless you use a shorted dummy cell for cell 3 (back right) and configure it with EScribe for a 2 cell operation. I used a 2 1/2 inch bolt in mine to see if it really works (133 watts max). It does and then I switched it back to 3 cell operation again.
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