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Preheat preferences for temp control.


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What settings do you guys prefer on your preheat punch? Do you use soft or hard and for how long and how big of a wattage difference do you use? Which do you find gives the best ramp up time and smoothness and consistency of vapor? I had been using a difference of 10 watts (40 regular 50 punch) and soft (1) preheat but I have just started understanding how the preheat works and now I'm considering using a harder punch. I use TI coils and was using a lower preheat wattage to avoid burn outs in situations where the ohms might be slightly off and 50 is generally plenty to get me up to temp in 1s but I might consider changing that to 75 to make it happen even faster.

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i like the punch high on most tc builds and the preheat high as well. i want my coil to be up to my set temp as fast as possible. it's all about preference, what you like. play around with the settings and see what fits your needs. start off at double the watts for your preheat power and 5 for the punch. play around with the time limit as well. vape and adjust to your liking from there............. 

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