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Newbie asking stupid questions, take 1!


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Hello everyone,
My name is Steven, and I live in Dallas, Tx.
I am one of those DNA 40 holdouts, who did not jump on the DNA 200 bandwagon, until now. I must say that I am quite impressed with all the DNA 200 has to offer.
My first stupid, newbie question has to do with custom welcome screens.
Can anyone tell me where I can access some fun screens, or, better yet, how can I make my own? Do I use MS Word, or possibly, excel? Or, would I need some sort of graphics program, like adobe photoshop (which I don't currently own).
Thank you in advance, S

Never mind! Found a topic that covers this question. Best, S
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txmonkey214 said:

Hello everyone,
My name is Steven, and I live in Dallas, Tx.
I am one of those DNA 40 holdouts, who did not jump on the DNA 200 bandwagon, until now. I must say that I am quite impressed with all the DNA 200 has to offer.
My first stupid, newbie question has to do with custom welcome screens.
Can anyone tell me where I can access some fun screens, or, better yet, how can I make my own? Do I use MS Word, or possibly, excel? Or, would I need some sort of graphics program, like adobe photoshop (which I don't currently own).
Thank you in advance, S

Never mind! Found a topic that covers this question. Best, S

welcome to the forum txmonkey214! there are no stupid questions here. we all had to learn something new at some point in our lives.

here is a simple theme generator 


here's one of many screen sharing sites out there


here's the ones we built up here

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