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Gianluca Italia

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  1. Can be set in Escribe, the power curves of the dna 100c box ? (example other software)
  2. Who can explain to me why in Replay mode the controlled temperature with the same watts and settings (13 watts reaches 220 C protection, only with Tc without replay, it reaches 200 C, set temperature 220 C) is 20 C higher than the classic Tc ?
  3. I created a menu where I manage the functions of the Tc for vape in mtl. the temperature menu allows you to: see the maximum temperature of the vape ( so near to dynamic ), set the watts and read the coil with the measure command and see the ohms. now i m happy. i post my perfect theme. tnks Theme created to improve the experience of using the lost vape dna 100 c.
  4. Version 1.6


    New Mtl menu(puff info). Dynamic temperature, live ohms, watt control. replay option. Visible fonts and colors
  5. hi. you write this : All color mods can show dynamic.... and now i ask you a name of only 1 themes.... why said no? do you see 1 dna color that show Dynamic temp? (dna 75 show dynamic temp.). Is realy be able dna 100 to make a Tc?
  6. can you know only 1 themes that show a dynamic temp? pls write to me? if the box no do this i return to seller . is no good for my experience.
  7. Actually, I tried 10 themes with the most downloads, none implement this feature. instead of telling me it's easy, Can write to me a theme that does it pls? i looked at about 30 of them no one was talking about dynamic temperature. it will be simple for you but for all those who did the themes they didn't put the dynamic temperature default setting even in arctic fox with my Pico and my dna 75. you could pass the case to the Evolv engineers I can't believe it... thank you best regards Gianluca C.
  8. So it's not like the dna 75 which has an easy setting. Didn't Evolv implement dynamic temperature in the DNA 100? I spent a lot of money and I don't even have a basic function that everyone implements? Have removed the function of the dna 75 to display the dynamic temperature? but do you really mean? So you can't buy the dna 100 they are unusable for temperature control. there is no dynamic Temp, There is no tcr setting. In practice is better the very old chip dna75 that work so good?
  9. quindi non é come la dna 75 che ha una impostazione facile. qua si deve modificare un tema e provare.
  10. HI sorry I do not speak English well. I accidentally hid my earlier question. I wanted to know how to show the temperature tc. in dna 75 works by selecting from evolv dominant. how to do it in Evolv to show it in the dna display 100 c. I hope it is understandable.
  11. Thanks for the reply . I know the file you recommended but I think the TCR is 403.6 . I would like the correct one of 400. Thanks
  12. hello I don't know how to set the curve for ZIVIPF NiFe48 28ga 0.32mm the manufacturer's Tcr is 400 mi. Can you tell me how can I set it exactly? I've read a lot but no one explains it. Thank you
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