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    Richie Wall
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  • What DNA product do you own or plan to buy?

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  1. Lol after reading this I’m wondering if you’re the same person who wrote about some of this on the e-cigarette forums that I just recently read. Спасибо за эту информацию. Вы можете объяснить это поподробнее? Я не совсем понимаю 4.
  2. I hear ya. I’m looking forward to hearing how that works for you. I’ve looked around these forums and didn’t find a whole lot of posts about this but I did find out more about this topic when I got to googling. Was reading about an unstable 510 connection (damaged, dirty, etc) and the initial reading of the base resistance that could cause issues. And then of course you already know about complex coils not always working in TC as expected. Then I read something about case thermals and internal resistance (which I admittedly am ignorant of) causing issues. So then I thought that it does make sense that there may be some issues specific to certain mods as opposed to others due to build quality, QC issues, and other physical parameters even if the different mods have the same DNA boards with the exact same firmware, same software config, same hardware used (coils, attys, batteries). Reading about a guy who’s apparently had zero issues with TC for years. Uses SS430 single wire. So I wouldn’t be surprised if that does it for you. I guess should’ve done more research than just going on all the overwhelmingly positive comments about the DNA chip’s TC, but I came across a barely used squonk that’s popular and was just listed fs on a Facebook group and figured the worst case scenario is I wind up with a super customizable mod that didn’t break the bank. What about replay? How has your experience been with that?
  3. Ahh I see. For a while I didn’t really even consider buying a mod with a DNA chip. Then I decided I wanted something that can do awesome and reliable TC. So here I am. I didn’t really do any research on it specifically. I just always see comments praising the DNA chip. Never saw a negative or even slightly critical post regarding the TC. Yeah I’d absolutely love to know what’s causing your problem. When you say there are many threads about it, are you talking DNA chips in general or specific to the 75c?
  4. Thank you! Genuinely curious, what makes you say that I’m more informed than other users? Not trying to be rude at all just wondering.
  5. Have you found others to have the same problem you’re experiencing?
  6. I just got my first DNA mod (75C also) just because of the “best” “most accurate” “reliable” etc etc comments from everyone on forums, Reddit, reviews, damn everywhere. Never once even seen someone say their DNA mod isn’t reliable in TC. Just now decided to come here to join the forum and find a manual or button guide or something. Then I happen to see this first. Gotta be kidding me. Someone tell me this isn’t common at all please. And 316l is by far the most common ss wire. Wtf is going on here. I can’t believe this is the first thread I see from the undisputed TC champs.
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