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Everything posted by Theme_A_Geddon

  1. Hi Waneo, being a "senior member", I'm sure you'll understand that there are a range of Evolve product users, from new, to basic right on through to the "experienced". The HOG DNA 400, as you may or may not know, comes with 2 wallpapers and the second wallpaper can make it difficult to read the information, so yes, I "modified it" in revision 1.0.0 to make it easier to see, then in this revision I added a "last puff" display. Of course, it may be seen as "simple", but to new or inexperienced users, they may not feel confident messing around with the designer and just want to upload something on to their device with no issues, hence why I felt it might be useful for others if I uploaded them. With regard to "Every single DNA250C with 4 batteries in series can hit 400 watts just as easily as that HOG", that may well be the case, however it is left as more of a disclaimer. If someone choses to use this on another prodct, that's their choice, but this is designed on and for the HOG device and anyone looking for a specific HOG DNA 400 theme for that mod, especially if it is their first DNA device can find it easily.
  2. Hi RETIRD, Thank you for your reply Yes I'm aware that Device Monitor can give a whole wealth of information and when at home, I use it. However, when out and about, it would be great to have individual battery meters that display the output (voltage, current or both) individually on the device. Idealy on screen in the same format as you might have a battery meter, but of course you can choose what the meter represents
  3. Version 2.0.0


    Hello ! Here is my own modified version (V2) of the original Vaperz Cloud HOG 400 screen set (theme). Please take a browse through the screens before downloading. I haven't removed anything that affects functionality, However I have adjusted the following : The Lock Screen : ADDED DATE CHANGED "EMPTY" BATTERY COLOUR TO RED The Main Screen : CHANGED "EMPTY" BATTERY COLOUR TO RED CHANGED OUPTPUT METERS TO AN AQUA/LIGHT GREEN Added last puff time General : MAIN LOCKSCREEN ARTWORK KEPT ALL OTHER WALLPAPERS/SCREENS HAVE BLACK BACKGROUND TO MAKE IT EASIER TO READ I hope you all find this useful and please do note this is not for a regular 250c, but for the Vaperz Cloud HOG which has been modified to 400. If you like this (or don't) I'd appreciate seeing any feedback/comments below. Enjoy and vape safe everyone
  4. Hi All, I seem to be having a problem with the battery guage. I have a DNA 400 inside a HOG and I wanted to customeise the theme to show the output voltage of each battery. If I create 4 individual guages and set each to show cells 1 - 4 voltages accordingly, they alays stay on maximum, even when the cells are empty. It would be great to be able to add a guage per battery (regardles whether it is a 2, 3 or 4 cell device) to show how evenly they are draining. This would be useful, for example, if you unknowingly have a faulty cell in your married set
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Hey All ! Here is the ORIGINAL, factory settings for the Vaperz Cloud HOG (Hammer Of God) DNA 400 quad 18650 mod. I hope this helps some of you out of a rather awkward situation at some point. ------------------- PLEASE NOTE ------------------- The HOG is a DNA 250c modified to reach 400w using 4 18650 cells. For your own safety, Please DO NOT install this on anything except the Vaperz Cloud Hammer Of God device. Vape safe everyone
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Hello! Here we have the ORIGINAL Hammer Of God theme as it comes from the Vaperz Cloud manufacturer. I chose to upload this as I know we all have "those moments", where something goes wrong, or you need to reset to factory defaults, so here is the ORIGINAL and untouched screen set (theme). I hope you enjoy and I hope it helps some of you out. Vape safe everyone!
  7. Hello, I see this is an old post, but incase it is unresolved or someone else has a similar issue, I'd recomend doing as BillW50 suggests and also, remember the triad is a 3 18650 mod and the ZQ Essent is a single cell mod
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Hello, Here's a customised theme for the ZQ Essent DNA 75c device. It uses the default setup as originally provided on the mod, fresh from factory. The default from ZQ Vapor is alos the Evolve default settings too. I hope you enjoy it
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