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  1. 📛 Running Escribe-Suite in LINUX outright, WILL MOST LIKELY NOT WORK. It needs to be updated by the developers. Why? Because an OLD version of mono is required. This can be worked around but maybe too difficult for most. A lot of factors go into it being a quick fix or a long one. This is NOT the right or best way to do it. To simply get the application running no matter what, use VirtualBox. Assumptions: User already knows the basics of virtualbox. Do not let ubuntu upgrade the VM to 18.04 or 20.04. We want the software locked in time. This OS will only be spun up to run the app. How to install and run Escribe-Suite ? # Create and START VM using an Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Desktop iso. # Login using the GUI shown in the VirtualBox Console. # Open a Terminal cd ~/Desktop sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade -fy wget https://downloads.evolvapor.com/SetupEScribe2_SP19_US.run chmod +x ./SetupEScribe2_SP19_US.run cd ~/.local/opt/evolv/escribe-suite ./launch-escribe-suite How pass your USB DNA Device to the VirtualMachine ? # Right+Click on the USB icon on the lower right panel of the VirtualMachine Console window. # Choose your DNA device.
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