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Personal Information

  • Full Name
    Andrew Valdoz
  • Location
    Pecos NM
  • What DNA product do you own or plan to buy?
    Yes! very proud owner of a few!

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  1. Thanks brother! your an absolute legend! are you gonna do anymore in the future?
  2. how do i upload pictures of my themes? i feel like a lot more people will download if the can visually see how the theme looks but cant find out how to
  3. Version 1.2.0


    Please comment below to tell me how i did!!! By;Thevapinaddict Andrew Valdoz this is my first theme! i hope that others can enjoy it as much as i do! if there is anything wrong with it please let me know! if profiles show up, i just wanna say that they are not from me! so therefor i included my own settings custom for this theme labeled first.themev12. i have barely learned how to create themes so there might be bugs? as far as i can see it runs smooth and will do for the most part everything people are wanting from their DNA mods. if anybody wants to contact me im on facebook and instagram! thanx!
  4. does anyone know if evolve will fix my mod the screen went whit i tried fixing it myself and dont know how even if i have to pY THEM I WILL
  5. does any body know if you can really make your new color screen look like the original dna 167 or 75 screens?
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