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Files posted by Lisko

  1. Enhanced Frank's theme - Generic & VapeCige - DNA 75C/250C

    Frank's Theme  - Rev2.8.8
    Supports all the latest Evolve DNA functions , including Replay, with an icon driven interface.

    Hi, I done some little tweaks and bugs fixes for this very well designed theme by Frank. Here's a list of what’s changed:
    - FIXED: Temp protect deactivated with temp sensing material now correctly switches to Power mode.
    - FIXED: If a temp sensing material is selected but the coil in use it isn't, now correctly switches to Power mode.
    - FIXED: The power steps in More Settings screen weren't correct.
    - FIXED: Firmware edition in About screen was misaligned.
    - FIXED: Boost is correctly displayed instead of Preheat if a temp sensing material is selected but the coil it is not.
    - FIXED: Replay screen fixed when using replay with a temp sensing material and temp protection is off.
    - CHANGED: No more need of a separate theme for the dna 75c, powerbank screen is automatically disabled on those devices.
    - CHANGED: Coil materials are now switchable from coil screen and read-only on the main screen.
    - CHANGED: Now coil temperature is adjustable from coil screen and new coil screen.
    - CHANGED: Device Monitor icon description renamed from "Trend" to "Puff Graphs".
    - (ONLY FOR VAPECIGE EDITION) CHANGED: The default logo now is the rainbow one from the official vapecige's theme.
    I know that aren't life changing modifications but as the original developer hasn't updated it for a while I decided to make this public to help people that aren’t able to fix it themselves and for saving some time for new adopters. Thank you Frank65 for this great theme.


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