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  1. Which plus pods do you prefer? I like the 2.5 mesh but battery life is shorter cos I have to use higher wattage. Do you think they will release a higher ohm mesh? I prefer flavour over clouds
  2. Yes I always update my settings to device. Maybe the new 0.5 is just using the original 0.5 pod settings? I altered the 1ohm setting to 0.45 as I can use the q pods on my normal settings for the original 0.5 pods.
  3. I cant access your settings for the pods. Ive done my own but the device sees the new .5 pod as the old pod so uses the old profile and not the new one I set up for it
  4. I have the new plus pods, updated dna go to go plus, set all the coil resistances but because the new coil .5 is the same as the old .5 it just uses the old setting and not the new setting which needs more wattage. So I dont see the point of the new profiles when they dont work anyway?
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