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- Birthday 08/13/1969
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Carsten Michael Kirschner
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proudly owner of some DNA devices
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When it comes to creating your own theme - or modifying an existing theme - it makes no difference whether the Theme Designer runs on Windows or Mac (I worked on Windows myself until half a year ago before I switched to Apple). It is actually too comprehensive to describe the necessary steps here, as there are too many variants on how this can be implemented. It is standard in my existing themes (in the download area) that the applied power is displayed after the puff in replay mode. By highlighting the displayed power, the maximum possible power is displayed and can also be adjusted.
For me only with the Google Translator 😅
Hi, the message "temp protect" - only sporadically at that - sounds very much like a short circuit in the Atty in this context; or that you have contact with the housing of the Atty with the wire ends of your coil somewhere. What happens if you only use the deck alone (please wet the cotton well). Or, if you use a top coiler, without a top cap?
Lange Version: Die coil besitzt eine gewisse Trägheit beim Erhitzen - je dicker (und niederohmiger), desto träger. Du benötigst mehr Leistung um die Zieltemperatur zu erreichen, als diese zu halten. Mit "boost" stellst Du für einen kurzen Moment zu Beginn des Puffs mehr Leistung zur Verfügung. Problem: Wenn Du einen zu hohen Wert einstells, kann eine bereits erhitzte coils schnell mal die Watte verbrennen. Wenn Du im Replay-Modus nach mehreren Puffs schließlich "Save" drückst, kann es sein, dass die zuvor eingestellte Leistung nicht ausreicht, um eine kalte coil gleich beim ersten Puff auf die abgespeicherte Temperatur (bzw. den abgespeicherten Widerstandswert während des Puffs) aufzuheizen. Mit "warmth" erlaubst Du dem mod, mehr Leistung abzugeben. Problem: Wenn Du einen zu hohen Wert einstellst, verbrennt die coil Dir schnell mal die Watte. Lass Dich nicht irritieren, wenn ich ständig von Temperatur rede, obwohl "nur" mit Wattzahlen hantiert wird - es geht immer darum, die coil auf eine bestimmte Temperatur zu erhitzen, auch wenn diese nicht der direkte Regelfaktor ist. Der Replay-Modus orientiert sich an der Widerstandsänderung der coil, weshalb er nur mit temperatursensitiven coils funktionieren kann. Bei "boost" und bei "warmth" ist die Schrittweite (1 bis 11) abhängig von der zugrundeliegenden Leistung. D. h. bei mehr Ausgangsleistung bedeutet jede Schrittweite jeweils mehr Leistungsplus, als bei einer geringeren Ausgangsleistung. Eine Sonderform stellt "Preheat" bei temperatursensitiven coils (z. B. SS316) dar: diese Funktion ähnelt "boost", hat jedoch einige Eigenheiten, auf welche ich bei Bedarf gesondert eingehen würde. Hier eröffnen sich mit Custom-Themes weite (theoretische) Möglichkeiten, welche jedoch auch häufig missverstanden werden.
Short version: - "boost" gives you extra power at the beginning of the puff. - "warmth" allows the mod to go beyond the originally set power when replaying
something is going wrong here, because in the default theme replay can NOT be activated if "Watt" is NOT specified in the material selection. Or the other way around: If the material selection is "SS316" (for example), no replay is possible in the default theme. If "Watt" is selected, no temperature evaluation takes place.
The green curves show "Voltage" and "Power", the red line for "Temperature" is only displayed if a temperature-sensitive material (e.g. SS316) is selected - this curve is missing for the "Watt" material. You can also check the settings here.
For example, if you set 30 watts and click "SAVE" after several puffs, the mod will need more power than 30 watts to reproduce the puff with a cold coil and/or more liquid. Due to the previous setting, however, the output power remains limited to 30 watts. This is where "warmth" comes into play and provides more power. The individual steps depend on the set wattage. I like to be in control myself and this function seems very unpredictable to me (!!!), so I modified my themes so that I can change the set (maximum) power directly also when replaying.
There are no specifications as to how the so-called "user toggles" are to be used. Every theme author uses them for different things, so it makes sense to reset them before installing a new theme (I created a tool for this find-fix-problems). It also happens that conditions appear in a theme that are linked to a user toggle that is not set anywhere: many themes develop over a long period of time and not everything is always followed up, or certain fields are used in different themes and sometimes these conditions are very complex and an adaptation is neglected by the author. I am also affected by this, as I have developed both monolingual and bilingual themes. In my current theme there are always unused fragments of old versions - it's not nice and actually sloppy, but that's just the way it is.
That's how I did it
okay - I still can't see why the battery icon behaves like this, but whatever. I changed it so that it now appears red at 35% and below. It is the default theme for the DNA color from the current ThemeDesigner. If your theme deviates from this, you can copy and paste the battery symbol into your theme StockTheme_with_red_battery_less_35.ecigtheme
In which theme? As far as I know, the stock theme doesn't change the icon color... Otherwise, the color change, or when the color changes and how, is easy to set in the theme designer. Without a specific theme, posting a screenshot here is pointless.