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Posts posted by Dragonlore

  1. leaving % out. I've mainly been interested in it's voltage read. the voltmeter I have is accurate within +/-  .1%. and the battery reads 4.21, the dna board reads as 4.11. so even at -.1% (approx. 4.19) would mean the device has an accuracy of +/-  2 % (approx. 4.11) that seems like a lot to me.  As you said you can set anything manually to be 100% (as well as any point in the curve), but the device still bases that % on the voltage. the curve just says  blank %= blank volts. So even though I can tell it 4.06 volts = 20%, it still needs to be able to accurately read the 4.06v within a reasonable tolerance. I guess I had maybe expected too much?  just seems like a voltage leak somewhere. Thanks for the help giz_60, I appreciate your efforts to calm my busy mind.

  2. I just seems to me it should still be smart enough to know that 4.2 is 100% on it's own without any other input. I understand it gets it's info from a csv file. but if the csv is set to 4.19 as being 100% then  shouldn't it show 100% charge at 4.2? In order for the device to show 100% charge I would have to set the csv to 4.08 to be 100%.  That seems weird to me. I still seems to me a high end board should be more accurate out of the box without all the extra fiddling. I'm only talking about 100%/ full charge. The device reads a fully charged 4.21 battery as 4.11 (shown in sys diag). so even taking the % out of the equation it doesn't seem accurate.

  3. It seems to me that 2 things a device would have to be able to do before a discharge curve would even matter is to accurately read voltage. It also seems that a high end board should be able to do so closer than 2%. Even without running the battery analyzer, the device should know that 4.2 is 100%, and that 2.75 is 0% (default in escribe) everything in between should be the estimated %, and where the discharge curve would be beneficial for the specific battery. Different batteries discharge at different rates but 4.2 is 100% for all of them. Just trying to understand.


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