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  1. nope. also already tried different cable. still same...hmmm.....
  2. already check power setting. only monitor will go to sleep after a few minutes.
  3. Hai, something i want to ask here... why everytime i run the case analyzer, the process only run about a few minutes and then automatically stop. the Escribe notification show that the USB connection already disconnected. but, i see in the Escribe connection tab, the device still connected with the software.
  4. Malaysia. already try to find the 0# or M1.6 screw at the local store including screw shops. minimum they can provide only M2. actually already have M1.6 screw but not with nut. for my design, I plan to use the screw with nut to mount the PCB. maybe have to contact the online screw and nut companies and try to get MOQ.
  5. Thank a lot for the info. really hard to find #0 screw and nut around here.
  6. Hai, does anyone know or try to drill the screw hole on the PCB became bigger? is there any negative impact? i know that the board is multiple layer and got through hole connection but maybe if just cut off the through hole connection at screw hole doesn't give any impact.
  7. just wandering, if i want to use bigger screws for example 2mm diameter, have to drill the hole to make it fit. is it will affect the ground connection between top layer and bottom layer of the PCB?
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