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Everything posted by nicovape

  1. Thanks for this post. I was wondering why some people had to ground their hana modz then ? Also i noticed something, when i remove my RBA, using the coil live analysis, i see that sometimes, i don't get the "?" mark, meaning there is nothing plugged. If i move the pin around, it gets back to what it should be. However, it does not seem to affect the resistance reading, because when atomizer is screwed in, the pin seems to take his correct position.. I wonder why it reads a resistance value and that moves when i move the pin with a screw driver and stays with a resistance value without anything plugged in, until i find a position where no atomizer are detected. i saw value such as 0.047 until i moved the pin. Any idea? is that the 510 and lack of grounding or what?
  2. It is stable, it might change from 0.01 from time to time, but the wire to the ground did absolutely nothing to the value. it behaved exactly the same way. Fixed value and once every 30 seconds, it would move up by 0.01 and then down and stable again for 30 seconds etc. Thank you so much for answering my question VapingBad! highly appreciated
  3. I tried to hold a piece of wire while using the live ohm monitor and it does not change value at all.. would that mean, the grounding is alright on mine ?
  4. Thank you VapingBad! So this is what i thought about how to attach it. At least i can try to hold a wire by hands and see how it affects reading resistance. I suppose one needs to solder it.. On the 510 part, i have no idea how to do it properly.. I wish hana modz made their work properly. with taxes and euros, i paid this mod an arm because i could not wait for other mods to be available here in France..
  5. So they indeed fixed it. (See picture) Yes there is a connector. That must be the balancing. This is why i was confused. There are two thick wires from the battery soldered to the board. My device was setup on the 6th August by hana modz. So it seems they fixed it a month ago. Yay! Now if someone could show me a fixed ground i would be very happy. I am an assembly programmer but i know absolutely nothing in electronic :-( Reason i ask is because my resistance is sometimes read very low when cold. Even at 250C i get a cool vape. If i lock it 0,010- 0,015 higher then it vapes fantastic. Also despite the case analysis, the room temp is often quite off... Not sure how important the room temperature is for temp control other than to calculate cold resistance. I appreciate answers to my questions. Thanks guys and sorry if i ask stupid things
  6. Brandon, i see you mention the JST connector. I have seen people talking about JST connector before. Are you talking about the one going to the "+" and "-" on the board? It seems earlier version of hana modz had two connectors and users could remove their battery. now, there is one connector, but + and - are soldered to the board.. you can't change the battery unless you unsolder the cables. I am interested to know if there were indeed two connectors or if i miss understood. I don't know anything about electronics and connectors.. Also i wish someone would post a picture with a properly grounded hana modz.. i see a lot of posts about it.. but no picture, nothing.. Attached picture of my board.. Let me know if this one still has JST connector problem.. it seems the ground is empty, so i suppose it is not properly grounded still.. please help.. i get some weird 510 reading sometimes, i have to lock ohms to vape correctly
  7. Thank you Brandon. I did not use the not officially released firmware yet. I ran it a second time and it worked though.
  8. Ok, i opened the case, made a single coil at 0.8 ohm with 0.60 wire and ran it at 40W. It worked till the end. theory was 10.55 Wh, i got 10.125 Wh and my own curve now. Not sure if it will make a lot of difference, but at least, it is calibrated.
  9. Can you tell me more about the problem on a Hana ? I find that i often need to lock the resistance at 0.010 - 0.015 higher than cold reading.. What mod resistance is used on Hana in general? I suppose it would lower the reading even more..
  10. Hello, I am new to DNA board. I am running a battery analysis on the HANA MODZ and it started from 4.2V until 3.80 and stopped. said my battery is 6.xx Wh .. Of course this is wrong since it is a 950ma LIPO. it should be around 10.55 Wh Why would it stop before it reachs 3.09 (default value where it should stop, i assume?) I was using a dripper with a 0.2 ohm dual coil for the setup. the dripper got hot as hell and the aluminium box too.. I did not pay attention, maybe there was a temperature protection kicking in ? would that appear on the analysis window ? Or what else could make it stop so early? at 3.83 V right now, it shows 43% battery left.. should i run the test with the case opened to dissipate better? Please advise, i am confused.
  11. wow xcube 2 DNA133 .. how hard was the wiring ?
  12. When you click "Get Information" on your mod, when was your mod configured? Mine was configured on 6th August, and i have no problem for now. Button feels normal.. I hope it won't die on me. Question guys.. Could you share the measured internal resistance for the Hana modz please? I used one dripper to make the test, and it showed me 0.015. So i am using 0.011 as mod resistance (80ish % like advised by Evolv guys). But i tried another dripper and i had different value.. I would be curious to see how much you get? I would like my ohm reader to be as accurate as possible.. because sometimes, the vape is just not warm enough .. i have to lock a higher value manually.. I had same issue before changing mod res.. I am also confused.. with Raw ohms, nominal ohms and cold.. which one should i use to lock my resistance ? assuming i let everything cool down to room temperature of course.. Thanks for any help
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