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Posts posted by Margucci

  1. i am very well aware. however, if you want to be notified when there is a new early release there is only one way. to subscribe to the thread. however, when you subscribe you are notified constantly whenever anyone post anything. most of the replies in that thread do not belong in there. something more organized would be beneficial. ie:

    - pin a thread (locked) which only has posts with the new firmware, changelog, as well as a link to a bug report topic. 
    - for each firmware release create a bug thread. in this thread anyone who has any issues with escribe or firmware version X posts their issues there. 

    by doing this people are posting their issues in a area which is specific to their needs. also, this makes it easier for evolv to see the issues they need to look into. and as for my point, the people who just want to be notified when there are new releases just subscribe to the first topic. its a win-win-win situation. 

  2. it seems that 99% of the posts in the early firmware thread are people looking for tech support. i personally subscribe to that thread so i know when there new versions of the prerelease firmware available. however, constantly being spammed by irrelevant posts has grown tiresome. can a new thread be created, pinned, and locked so that those of us who are just looking for the firmware releases dont have to sift through posts which would be better placed elsewhere to find the info we are looking for.

  3. TCR and CSV files are the exact same thing within a given range. if your CSV file has only two points, room temperature and 600*F the result would be identical as a TCR value. however, usually in a CSV file it is separated into temperature ranges. so you have one TCR from room temp-300*, 300-350, 350-400, 400-450, 450-500, 500-550, and 550-600. if the change in resistance varies with temperature than this will give you the best overall result. if the TCR stays constant across temperature than it wont make a difference. materials like SS dont vary much at all. however, as is easily seen in steam engine this isnt the case with nickel. in the case of nickel the TCR is determined at what someone at some point decided was the "ideal temperature" and looked at the TCR between room temperature and that point. therefore at that specific temperature the TCR will be very accurate. however, the more you stray from that temperate the more inaccurate the temperature will be. keep in mind that this is with the proper values. because without that neither would be accurate .

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