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Everything posted by vapesmooth234
I opened it and it was a PITA to open BTW, uses the smallest hex/star screws of about 9 mods I've owned and I do own a set of like 30 different mini bit heads but had to file down a flat head to fit, anyway, it seemed all connected together, I didn't remove the board from the mounting and totally disassemble it, I just checked the solder joints all seemed good. I did find a quick and free website to link a video trying to show the problem (which could easily be forged but whatever I'm not into scamming people, I think they need the video to make claim to their supplier), anyway the only reason I went through with the video thing is because their warranty policy DOES say you need to link a video if defective. https://www.efun.top/warranty-policy I guess that's the price of buying from china (I guess it's cheap shipping only from China-> USA and not the other way around for returns). I don't think I've had a problem like this with china stuff usually it's something cheap on ebay I end up with for free or a partial refund. I don't know if fasttech is a similar process for defective, but I'm buying the same MOD from there tomorrow and will somehow get a full refund for this one, maybe I'll get to keep it or something then sell it basically for parts. So yea to summarize , yea it might not be evolv's fault, it could be the assembly, overheated from soldering etc done by the brand Thinkvape. And re: the several DNA mods I've had to warranty due to battery error usually , well hopefully this newer 250C chip is less prone to that, and I still buy DNA because I sort of do trust to USB charge it which makes it unique vs having to open and take batteries out all the time with pretty much every other MOD brand.
I was able to get a reply using their website's Contact Us form. They replied the following which I'm not about to do all this with video and stuff.... I don't even know how to,, I'll mention that once, and see what they say. Or see if efun will pay return shipping for a full refund (if I'm not mistaken it's only cheap for them to mail to US and not the other way around, but I dunno). I could open pp case for ~$8 partial for warranty shipping but who knows about this chip? you buy something defective, you return it for a new one. asking on forums and escribe in developer tab is ridiculous. My first time wanting to return something from china besides cheaper stuff on ebay which goes smoothly as it should. This is like because it's electronic and might be able to be warranty repaired makes it different, but like if you bought a new laptop and it doesn't even turn on, you'd rather get an exchange of course instead of having it warranty looked at. And also with a MOD IMHO it's a safety concern since I buy DNA only because I can USB charge it. I don't think I'm being too picky by not warranty'ing it unless the chip can be guaranteed swapped out. how did this board even go into circulation? evolve doesn't check them for working, or was it something like maybe it was dropped or heat damaged, yes it could also be ThinkVape's fault if not connecting the DNA chip correctly or scratching it or something or overheating with solder.. Now I will open it and check obvious connections but that's all " 1. Send us an picture of the S/N number. You can find it printed on the package used for holding the item. 2. Send us a short video to show the problem clearly. You can also say something to ensure we can find the problem easily. Kindly note that the video should have comparision, and will show us the problem clearly.
I didn't open it, and don't want to, don't want to void warranty or waste my time because I think it is connected. Now I can't email efun.top where I bought it. I linked this thread to them and said it was dead on arrival and explained, I get mail delivery failure using my mail.com. I tried several times and with chrome and IE11. I tried different emails (still mail.com but still this is getting ridiculous..) I left a message though their website contact form, so maybe they'll get that one and I can also reply to it to. I might do a paypal case which I think I'd end up with the mod free. The only contact info I could find is: support@efun.top and jarry@efun.top feel free to test email them efun.top gets good and safe reviews, and I highly doubt they're purposely blocking my email, but regardless I really don't want this sketchy chip even to be 'fixed' by evolve. I USB charge my DNAs and don't need any problems. If I do a paypal case I think I'll end up with this MOD free I can sell for about $50 plus the original $106 and then order same MOD from fasttech for $116 Fasttech is the best in china I guess, never had a problem with them and spent about a grand I guess I either trusted efun.top enough to save $10, or that FT was just out of these at the time. (if anything, now, I think efun.top might be knowingly selling a few mixed in here and there possibly-defective MODs, not running an email-blocking scam, IDK though. I don't even want to pay $6 to mail it to evolve for warranty even if they say they promise to change the board out instead of 'fixing' it.
I'll open and check if all soldered, but if not, then now I have to loos emoney for shipping it to evolve for warranty, and get back a possibly sketchy board. Since I bought from china with paypal (loophole? thought no e cig stuff with paypal) but anyway, buyer always wins on paypal, so maybe Chinese seller I'll just ask for partial of shipping cost for warranty, even though I could probably work the situation to get this POS for free.
I checked before and it was already 3 cell and all 3 show 0.00V. hard reboot didn't fix. I'm suing Samsung pink 30Qs almost new, they work fine in Hcigar VT250s dna200. Only other battery I have is single 18650 for DNA75 MOD. I'm supposed to buy new batteries now to check? See this is what I'm talking about. Or send it back to china and wait 3-5 months of total transit time for a MOD? I don't want this chip even. And not from all this opening closing one of these stupid glued-on battery door magnets fell out (held by tad of glue not evolv's fault but basically). Would have opened once and USB charged thereafter. what a joke
ok it found it in escribe, auto detected and % bar installed it but that didn't fix anything, how do I hard reset it or actually update it or something? btw "Production History Wednesday, April 17, 2019" it's giving the good ole CHeck Battery when I fire, it only turns on if USB connected. I reset to default escribe. I dont' want to crack
I AM still using that version 1.2 sp 5.2. It doesn't update itself I guess. or ask to. ok. I don't see any update tab or anything except APPLY SERVICE PACK, but I'll just remove it in cntrl panel now and reinsall, then if doesn't work I'll try APPLY SERVICE PACK. Ok new version says 2.0 SP 19 we'll see if it work
received DNA250c think vape finder today from china etopfun (researched to be very trustworthy). DOA basically, getting common problem reading about 'deep sleep dna250c' or not turning on, not going to attempt to learn and digest all this BS in these BS threads like this!: https://forum.evolvapor.com/topic/70271-dna-250c-paranormal-clock-error-usb-not-recognized/ https://forum.evolvapor.com/topic/69863-wont-turn-on-from-deep-sleep/?page=6 mine isn't recognised by escribe. Also, never had a mod do this it installed itself via windows 'setting up dna250c' popup like when you install a plug and play new keyboard or printer or something, so I'm supposed to trust what this now-sketchy a** mod installed on my PC. I'm not going to even get into it with this BS trying to fix it with forum questions. I've been vaping since 2012 before it got BIG and evolv is really p'ng me off - really the only thing they have going for them is they can safely usb charge multi cell, otherwise I'd never buy them again. EVERY dna I've owned, maybe 4 differnt mods, gave me a problem, luckily they did warranty twice for me, once past warranty and changed the board in my 200 which has been good so far, but the others give check battery error or something possibly caused from USB charging it (no, they don't explode from USB charging but the charging circuit or something does break eventually I've found). this dna250c is not turning on with known-good cells. Plu ginto usb gives CLOCK ERROR CLOCK ERROR 4% battery, again escribe can't recognise it to update firmware or hard reboot. Tried holding all button configurations, firing 20X etc does not turn on without USB but then can't even use it with %100 charged cells says 4% and only lets you cycle through kanthal/watts/replay etc. Thing is, I'm okay with if this didn't start off on the wrong foot and I would have used it gladly knowing the USB charging might break it in hopefully under 12 months then just warranty it, but now I don't even want anything to do with this F'd chip, I don't want it tinkered with by evolv like they've done with previous mod that also broke again in like 5 months and/or I got it back and it was still givign me problems. I want a NEW CHIP, I don't think I can send this back to china for replacement/refund, evolv will probably tinker with chip then I don't feel safe/comfortable with this sketchy board I want to almost crack the board then send it in like that so I get new quality chip. really getting annoying all this RMA forms and mailing and waiting back to use new mod and then hoping it's as good as it could be
Is USB charging BRICKING ALL my DNAs?!
vapesmooth234 replied to vapesmooth234's topic in Batteries and Charging
I received my DNA250 mod back from evolve warranty and it's working great so far. It was giving CHECK BATTERY and not firing no matter what I tried. I asked them if they can tell me how it was fixed so I can post it here in case others have same issue. I said I don't think the board was replaced. They said there's no notes from the tech and said they think the board was replaced and to check the puff count. So are the red stars the total puff count? 681 seems a lot for I only ran about 10mls of juice with it since I got it back, but I just noticed I tap fire a lot even for just one hit since I don't have a power ramp or TC I tend to tap it up to temperature and may tap fire like 5 times for just one actual puff. I originally said I doubt the board was replaced , I didn't tell them because I can see the screen is still a bit dirty/blemished on the edges but maybe they kept the old screen and just replace the board? ALSO when I hit GET INFORMATION in escribe it takes me to a URL that says this: I bought the MOD January 2018. But that's still a year after the date this shows it was programmed, so that's a long time and would be an extra 1.5 year to today if it's actually a new board installed, so IOW maybe they're both from a big batch made Jan 9 2017 (if there's indeed a new board installed)? ___________________________________________ Production History Tuesday, July 2, 2019, 3:18 PM @ Hudson, Ohio, United States Mod tested A+ Battery tested (3.65V min. cell, 0.9A min. charge): 3.8V cell 1, 3.8V cell 2, 5.166V USB Firing tested (100W for 5 seconds): 97.56W Monday, January 9, 2017, 4:34 PM Board programmed -
Is USB charging BRICKING ALL my DNAs?!
vapesmooth234 replied to vapesmooth234's topic in Batteries and Charging
thanks craig, if you say so, I guess so . At least it didn't blow up or anything. I'll mail it back to evolve so they can take a look. I might slip my DNA75 in there too which sometimes gives me TOO HOT error for no reason and won't fire. I'm probably NOT going to buy another DNA250 board to replace this one if it comes down to it. As much as I loved this mod which is able to do dual or triple 18650 mode and is TINY for a dual 18650 mod. I think USB charging is killing the IC circuit as you said. I don't know if they'll replace the board this time (they apparently should have the first time I warranty'd it and it bricked again a couple months later). I'll link this. I just hope they care enough to try and prevent this from happening with future boards - that's why I'm going to buy a DNA250C next and hopefully the IC will never fry or anything bad happen. -
Is USB charging BRICKING ALL my DNAs?!
vapesmooth234 replied to vapesmooth234's topic in Batteries and Charging
YES! with two Samsung pink 30Q 3000mAh 3.7Vs, it boucnes around a bit but stays at: Pack: 7.56, cell1: 2.34V Cell2: 5.22 Dual 18650 mode: I press fire get CHECK BATTERY and battery bar is empty but %100 charged on an external, barely used these cells, I press fire it says CHECK BATTERY if connected to escribe, but if i disconnect from escribe and press fire it say EVOLV DNA250 for as long as I press fire. 3 cell mode = pack = 11.78V , cell 1 = 2.34, Cell2 = 5.22, Cell3 = 4.22V I got these cells right here: https://www.ebay.com/itm/SAMSUNG-30Q-Rechargeable-Battery-High-Drain-Flat-Top-3-7V-18650-VAPE-LOT-MENU/172954891880?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 evolv DID grant me a rewarranty for this but maybe it's the cells? The other two batteries I was trying were 2 sony greens that when I put them on an external Xtar charger one says NULL and won't charge. The other seems fine. I think I tested with these Sonys before but I did also just test with the sansung 30Q pinks and got CHECK BATTERY. BTW, the Sonys have some strange markings/burnings or something shown here but people are saying there that it shouldn't be a problem but I won't be using these cells again and will recycle them now that I see it saying NULL on the Xtar: https://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/threads/what-happened-to-these-batteries.911913/ -
Is USB charging BRICKING ALL my DNAs?!
vapesmooth234 replied to vapesmooth234's topic in Batteries and Charging
^ and I agree, the dna DOES charge very balanced and as good if not maybe better than a dedicated nitorecores or xtars but it seem that mine are always frying after about a year of USB charing. I'm guessing even a lot of DNA users are using external chargers and so this problem isn't as obvious? -
Is USB charging BRICKING ALL my DNAs?!
vapesmooth234 replied to vapesmooth234's topic in Batteries and Charging
^ Translates to In one year of operation, Triade 250c with Samsung Q30 batteries (charging via USB only), there was not a single problem, the voltage on the batteries was +/- 0.003 V. Once there was a problem with the board overheating when Vaping was charging, after which I did an analysis corps in escribe and this is not repeated. Balancing batteries when charging via USB is ideal and even expensive third-party chargers produce more mediocre results. -
Is USB charging BRICKING ALL my DNAs?!
vapesmooth234 replied to vapesmooth234's topic in Batteries and Charging
I tried everything man, I tried multiple outlets, I charged the batteries in a Xtar quality charger, it just give CHECK BATTERY in 2 cell mode or 3 cell mode it just shows nothing on the screen basically just flashes 'DNA250' or something like that -
I have a 30mm velocity style RDA that I'm hoping to make really big clouds/builds with just for fun now and then - not an everyday vape of course (I normally vape only single coil 5 wrap fused Clapton RTA at about 18W). My triple 18650 HCigar VT250s DNA250 is bricked..., so I'm looking to buy something new. Hoping to find something similar to the VT250s which can hold dual 18650 (167w?) or triple 18650 (250W), but with a newer and probably Color DNA board, but if no such MOD exists then I'll get a triple-only 18650 DNA (triade etc). Anyway, so is this even possible considering the DNA board can only fire down to about .10 ohms? I don't want to go the unregulated route and risk anything and as mentioned this huge build will just be for fun now and then so don't feel like getting a $200 unregulated 4-cell MOD just for that. What would be the best and safest batteries to try this, and should I make the builds Stainless Steel? I have SS fused Clapton wire. Was hoping to basically make long quad coils with that in the 30mm RDA but not sure. Either way even if I can only get like a triple coil to fire with the DNA instead of a quad fused Clapton 30mm it should be a ton of vapor.
It started with my first DNA, a wismec reuleaux DNA200 with 3 sony browns authentic. I only ever charged it via USB, after about 17 months the readings on those cells were perfectly similar and I never even rotated them once - I checked them on a cheap digital meter and a $500 analog meter and all 3 were the same readings which means it's safe and balanced, which is good, but then it would no longer USB charge in about 1-2 years. I asked a million questions here and factory reset it, new batteries etc and it never was fixed. Then I got a Hgicar VT250s DNA 250 which can do dual 18650 (167W?) or triple 18650. I only ever USB charged that MOD too, and only ever used genuine cells and I vape gently I only vape like 5 wrap single coils at like 16 Watts. In about 11 months it's bricked too, giving CHECK BATTERY error, tried everything suggested here no fix though, paid shipping for warranty and it was sent back with the same faulty chip (thanks!) which bricked a month or so after I received it back. Then I got a Hcigar Vt75 nano DNA 75 single 18650 genuine LG Brown, in about 1.5 years it's giving problem TOO HOT (even though it's not hot), tried factory resetting etc no fix, it seems to magically fix itself since I plugged it in to charge the other day but it'll go for a day or two sometimes still giving the TOO HOT error no matter what I try, new builds, different tank, cleaning the entire insides which were already clean and juice-free). So now I'm thinking no more DNA for me. Maybe yihi? The only reason I chose DNA to begin with is because they're supposed to safely USB charge multiple cells via USB (I just don't want to bother with opening and changing cells and baby sitting batteries on charges etc, when I USB charge the DNAs I'm usually at my PC (using a powered HUB BTW not power from my PC's PSU), which yes the DNAs seem to safely USB charge with no dangers but it seems to just fry the Fking boards in about a year. I was about to order a new DNA75 chip for my TOO HOT VT75 Nano but I'm guessing it'll also give me troubles. I might get a DNA 200-250 C etc (newer color chip) in hopes that they've fixed this problem. if I order a 75 (non color) chip from protovapor, it's only $37 shipped vs direct from evolve is like $55, but do I get the warranty with the protovape chip if I swap it out with the TOO HOT one in my VT75? $37 for a new chip every 1-2 years isn't too bad but I am a bit concerned about USB charging these anymore if it's frying the charging circuit apparently even though I haven't had any dangerous stuff happen ever. I pass through vape too and everything. Do you think it's worth a shot asking evolve if they'll re-warranty the VT250s I paid shipping for warranty for that they didnt' even change the board out and it bricked again a few months after I received it?? It's been over a year and was just tucked away since then.
Just Received RMA Warranty and...
vapesmooth234 replied to vapesmooth234's topic in General Discussion
^ ding ding ding THANK YOU! why do they even restrict the MOD tab like that!? -
Just Received RMA Warranty and...
vapesmooth234 replied to vapesmooth234's topic in General Discussion
i'm using escribe Version 1.2 SP5.2 On a ~$3,000 windows PC. -
Had a problem with a new Hcigar Vt250s DNA250 described here: Basically, it was saying CHECK BATTERY and could not be used. It was not possible to change escribe MOD Tab 2-cell to 3-cell (VT250s is dual or triple cell). Changing that was the usual fix I read others used but it was not possible to change (dropdown menu wouldn't respond to mouse click). Someone said in the thread linked above that it was probably the charging chip on the board and to warranty it. I sent it to evolve for warranty and got it back today. I put 3-cells in but it was doing some weird stuff like I would vape at 25W and put it down for a minute or so and it would be back at 55W. I did an escribe factory reset and everything was fixed in 3-cell. But I STILL can't change it back to 2-cell in MOD tab. I even linked my thread above when describing my RMA issue.. The drop down menu just doesn't respond to a mouse click. If I put 2 cells in it, it just flashes DNA 250 and can't do anything with it. If I connect escribe with 2-cells, it says CHECK BATTERY and all 0s for screen parameters. Device Monitor says 4.14V for each cell. I was hoping they just changed out my board with a new one but it seems they just had a software developer attempt to fix this but maybe didn't? I already paid shipping to them once for warranty. Do I have to send it back again or what? Many thanks.
Evolv RMA got approved. Glad they will replace/fix board rather than fasttech send me replacement mod possibly from same batch as this one.
my RMA got approved so that's good. I wanted evolve to fix it too, not Fasttech to send me a replacement possibly from the same batch, so that's good too I went direct to evolve. too bad you can't find that charging circuit separately but it makes sense for most people to just get a brand new 250 board I see on ebay for only $60 shipped vs possibly making it unsafe with amateur micro soldering. Maybe my DNA200 stopped working because of leaky non authentic tfv8 coils I mentioned. This is why I don't buy any tanks really that don't have juice flow control. I've watched enough RTA reviews that I know even the most advanced builders and reviewers get leaks sometimes. I tried all variations of wicking (thick packed/thin fluffed etc) and still get leaks with 100VG, so I just get juice control tanks now (or using an RDA with my new DNA mods until my new tanks order arrives soon). Evolv is still the best. Only thing maybe is if they could add a custom power curve in escribe like I think the Yihi chips have to give a sort of preheat punch to kanthal. Should probably only take evolve a couple days to add that programming, but maybe there's a way to do it already, or I should just be using SS coils anyway, thing is I really don't know much about all that though to say it's something that's missing because I'm sure they'd know of it and add it in an upgrade. Another thing that would be good would be a 'what's this?" link in escribe next to certain parameters like Mod tab 'Wh'. Most people don't know what that even means or what to set it as. There are tutorials videos though. take care.
thanks for the suggestion on my thread. It seems a lot of 250 boards have this problem but most I read were solved by simply changing escribe's Mod Tab to 2-cell or 3-cell depending on how the MOD is configured. But I can not click the drop down to change that. It just won't let me change it. I Restored all setting etc and tried it in 3-cell etc but nothing. I started a RMA like you suggested. Anyway, can we even buy those charging IC chips separately? And if so, do all those "spider leg" wires need to be individually soldered (in such a small space while avoiding bridging solder from one spot to another), or do they sort of fold in on the other side of the chip and need less solder points? I never soldered such a small thing but I have a micro solder gun and not much to loose if it goes wrong, the MOD I'm considering this for won't USB charge anymore (not the one in my thread I just got 2 weeks ago, a different DNA200 from 17 months ago, past warranty). It suddenly won't charge via USB. It may be due to extremely leaky non authentic TFV8 premade coils leaked like 10ml in a week on the mod I had to keep wiping it, then it stopped charging. I had plenty of leaks before this and it always charged but it was exceptionally leaky before it stopped charging. Having said all that, I'm still sticking with DNA boards only. I like to charge USB and they're safe for that, and they have good warranty anyway.
thanks, I'll give this thread a few more day to see if someone has a solution, if not, I think I'll try the return with fasttech. Since with FT, I'll be able to just get the MOD replaced instead of with evolv,,, actually, I think you're right, if this chip is part of a bad batch, evolv would be better to just open the MOD and stick a better board in whereas with FT, they might just give me the same problem batch again. Not to mention it'll probably take like a month for FT to receive and deliver a replacement.
I just got this MOD I dunno like 2 weeks ago. Hcigar vt250s from Fasttech. Set it up as a DNA167 in escribe (2-cell batteries in MOD tab instead of 3-cell [actually I think it auto detected 2-cell or it came stock like that]). I set WH to 22 also on that page. Forgot what it was at stock level and don't know why I put 22 Wh but I think someone told me to do that for a previous 3-cell DNA 200. Everything was perfectly fine. I only ever USB charge it except I charged the brand new cells in an external for first charge. Brand new genuine VTC6 cells. Now I get 'check battery' and an empty battery bar and all 0s on the screen. I put cells on an external and they were like %85, now %100 from the external. I CAN'T change the MOD tab to 2-cell which is usually the fix for this! I think it was already on 2-cell when I was getting the problem and then I changed it to 3-cell and tried the mod in 3-cell configuration with 3 known-good cells, but can't change it back to 2-cell. It gave same error in 3-cell. I forgot exactly what happened but I can't change it back to 2-cell or I might have not been able to change it to 3-cell. First thing I did actually was Restore Defaults on the General TAB. Fixed nothing though. Didn't abuse this MOD or anything, just a .45 ohm dual coil build at like 75W. I think I was getting 'short' error message towards the end of it working but there was no short and it would work again. Someone said in someone else's older similar thread "Usually, when you see a cell voltage above 4.2v, it is an indicator of a board problem/issue". But changing their mod to 2-cell fixed theirs. Should I just warranty it? I guess fasttech will pay return shipping and refund me or do I have to go through evolve? I want the same MOD even though DNA250C and DNA400s are coming out very soon with Replay feature, I like this MOD because it's one of the smallest if not the smallest dual 18650 DNA167 MOD. If I don't warranty it and you can somehow help me get it fixed, is it prone to doing this again and thus I should just warranty exchange it for a replacement? Thanks in advance.