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  • Full Name
    Michael Carroll
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  • What DNA product do you own or plan to buy?
    DNA 200 boards

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  1. Here is a link for a google drive full of custom themes . https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B0uqr_CFVmx6dzJZN3paazFzUkU and a link to the facebook group these were nabbed from https://www.facebook.com/groups/dna200themes/ enjoy !
  2. Not always , as a matter of fact I have a DNA 200 that was at 100% battery. I ended up leaving the house and left it plugged in to a usb charger for about 24 hours. came back home to notice my battery was at 80% . Cell 1 3.86v , cell 2 and 3 both at 4.2v. kinda sad the board sucked down 0.4v at an idle while hooked up to a charger. Also noticed that the boards only really want to balance charge when the charging screen brightness is turned down to 0%, at 60% brightness it goes idle and stops charging when 2 cells hit 4.20v
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