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olivier corthals

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Everything posted by olivier corthals

  1. Version 1.1.0


    For those who owns the new Mad Modder 250c's nice and NEW userfriendly design (17 June 2019) all info you need with replay function -> Boost function Ohm lock toggle V1.1.0 MadModder2019_V1.1.0 .ecigtheme
  2. Version 1.0.1


    Nice color explosion theme updated from my previous uploaded black on white theme. this theme is nicely organized and readable. @mainscreen: To work replay, toggle on replay, vape and find your ideal puff and toggle on the circle, there you have your replay! Enjoy! color.ecigtheme
  3. Version 1.0.1


    i changed the logo in the lockscreen and added some green color option for your selections from a existing theme from @El_Kapitan, he did a great job!! in version 1.0.1 i added a working replay function in the main screen: by replay you toggle it on, then you vape when you have your perfect puff and then toggle on the circle. there is your perfect replay! Paranormal Blck-Whte theme.ecigtheme
  4. Hi all, I got here a Escribe version "Escribe2_SP6" for use on your Apple Mac devices.. Just instal it without installing other software on your mac.. 1 thing you need to do is put in a password to instal te software & there you go password is: dna200 https://ocloud.global/index.php/s/tWZLFUDagP6RvI9
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