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Austin Green

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Everything posted by Austin Green

  1. OG (was green) V4 DNA60 with: Shapeways DNA40 Mounting sled (direct fitment) Modmaker v2 510 (U.K) (threaded case = no lock nut required) Mitec Fire Button Stealthvape data ribbon wire (U.K) Custom cerakote 'splat' design by SVB cerakote coating & servicing (U.K)
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Basi front end change for Abstract mod owners (replay enabled)
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Basic IOS (Ideal Ohm Show) Theme with replay support for the DNA75C / DNA250C
  4. Been running the new firmwareon my DNA250 (167) all day with the new boost feature, happy to report it seems to be working flawlessly so far, scales 1 to 11, any clarity on the actual percentage ratio i.e 1 = 5% etc ?
  5. i asked the same question on 16th of November 2017 " DNA 60 is more niche so we are testing it there first.". :/
  6. When will the "Power Boost" feature for kanthal on DNA75c be avaliable for the DNA250 please ? i'm currently still using a 'Kanthal A1 APM' profile that allows "preheat punch" to be utilized on kanthal, pretty much the same thing and it works fine, but would prefer an 'official' release. Kanthal A1 APM.csv
  7. Still waiting for a small screen DNA60 to appear in a U.K retailer, all the webshops say "due october"... and were at the end of November now.. I'm in the middle of retro fitting my silver Hana V3, FDV v4 & Mitec button fitted. fingers crossed this comes out soon :-/
  8. Except for it now has an optional RBA same as the crown, i own both of them... if it's spitting, sounds like too much power to me.
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