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Posts posted by txmonkey214

  1. Hey Sedoco,

    I put in a ticket for my device, today. I don't know if their warranty service is up and running, during the pandemic. Try it. It's a waiting game, from there. This is Friday afternoon, after all.

  2. Hi,

    Does anyone know if warranty service is still in operation, during the outbreak? My Lost Vape Drone went south on me. First, it read newly charged batteries at 70%. When I pulled the batteries, and put in a different pair, the screen went blank, and it wouldn't power up. I have backup devices. But, I love my Drone. Thanks in advance.

  3. Hi, I had the same happen, just last week. It was sitting on the charger, overnight. Nick at evolv said it's likely the daughter board/usb went south. My takeaway from this is I will never charge batteries via usb, again. I have two external chargers. So, there's no need. I'm waiting for the 200, or 250C to come out. After that, my last surviving escribe mod will be my backup mod.

  4. Okay, after getting my mod going, and a new chip, it seems like something went south, again. Not sure why. It had about 87% charge, when I last used it. Now, it gives me check battery message, when on escribe. It simply won't turn on. Symptoms are somewhat different. Battery tray, or chip? Any guesses? I reopened my case with Warranty service. I'll see what they have to say.  screenshot.png 

  5. I installed it. As I suspected, it changed nothing. The 3rd cell should not be showing, at all. Yet, there it is. It has an abnormally high reading, for a phantom cell. What about the 0 charge/watt hours, and 0 battery level on two fully charged 30Q's? What does that tell you? Is it another bad board, or did the tech break the mod, itself?
    screen 2 133.png

  6. I'm not sure what that has to do with the problem. Even if you don't uncheck the 3rd cell on device monitor, it simply shouldn't show up, with 1.2 sp5. Also, it reads higher than the phantom cell that showed on device monitor, before 1.2 sp5 was released. So, it isn't normal, even if it were in 3 cell mode. Yes, it is the stock dna settings. I never attempted to customize. It won't start up, at all. Tethered to the usb, I get a screen that shows 0 ohms, and 0 battery. Otherwise, it's Evolv's stock opening screen, until you release the fire button. Then, nothing.
    When you asked me to post the screen shots, did you have something in mind that you might be able to share with me?
    What does the fact it fails to read ohms on an installed coil, and the 0 watt hours/0% battery showing on fully charged Samsung 30Q's tell you about the problem? Is it a hardware issue, other than the chip? That's what it seems like, to me. I was told that they simply had to realign the chip. But, this one doesn't have my settings on it. It's stock settings. I checked the serial number. And it's new. So, is it a bad chip?

  7. Nick didn't make the mistake that caused the problems that made it necessary to send it in twice. Nor did he cause whatever problems it now has. But, someone at evolv warranty service has dropped the ball, twice. And, this time, it seems that the mod, itself was damaged: ohms read 0, watt hours read 0, battery pack reads 9.16v, batteries each read 4.16v.

  8. Okay, so I submitted my mod for repairs, twice. The first time, I waited over 2 weeks (3, including shipping time back and forth). When I got it back, the down button was stuck the first day, and it just wouldn't fire. I just got it back, today. Now, it won't turn on. Plugged into escribe, it shows 0 battery, on two fully charged 30Q's. I can only guess that either it was damaged, or it wasn't put together right, for the second time in a row. I put my first repair request in on March 1. I have shipped this to evolv, twice. Each time I get it back, the problems become worse, not better.

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