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  • Full Name
    Duane Ruckle
  • Location
    Scottsdale Arizona

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  1. I've occasionally had these same issues and it has always been a windows problem with respect to how USB drivers/devices are detected. My solution so far is to shut down the machine with the DNA device connected and reboot. Proper detection of all USB drivers and devices sometimes seems to take a long time so I pour a cup of coffee and chill or do some useful work elsewhere. So far this simple solution has not failed me. It's an inconvenience but apparently one just has to let Windows be Windows.
  2. The titanium temperature coefficient of resistance is basically a straight line in the temperature region of interest for vaping. The steam engine .csv is working fine for me.
  3. The high resistance with firm attachment of the atomizer appears to be consistent for 4 different atomizers I've tried. Two subtank mini's, an origen dripper and a manta dripper. I'll explore more but I'm having the resistance jump around even in locked mode. I assume it may be a mechanical contact problem within the devices 510 connector.
  4. John: I will go back to earlier firmware than 7/16 but when I've run with 7/9 or 7/16 I still get much higher ohms readings and always have the problem that temp is not showing up in Escribe most of the time. I'm not sure that I'm getting any temp limiting at all. I'll try a dry coil to be sure on that. In the meantime I'm wondering if I have a hardware problem. It's beginning to look like a hardware problem to me. Any other suggestions?
  5. John: As you suggested: I went back to 7/14 firmware and again no temp readout in Device Monitor no positive response from a hard boot but with a single try that is not unusual for this mod. Sometimes multiple hard boots are required to get the temp trace to show up and even then it's not permanent if the device sits idle for an hour or so. I then loaded 7/9 firmware and again no temp trace in Device Monitor before or after a single hard boot.
  6. John: The resistance reading is stable in the tightness range where I normally tighten an atty but if I crank it down really hard the resistance rises from ~0.37 ohms to the 0.47-.05 ohm range. The atty is a Kanger Subtank Mini that is stable on other devices and the ohm meter where it reads o.3 ohms. This is a Evolv Beta box sent by Brandon and the center pin moves when depressed by a bamboo skewer. l also cleaned both the atty 510 and the beta box 510 with alcohol and dried it prior to doing the Atomizer Analyzer eval. I checked in Device monitor at several points as I tightened and loosened the atomizer and there was never a temperature trace being shown. I did not try hard rebooting which is almost always required to get the Device Monitor to show the temperature trace.
  7. John. Forgot to mention this was the 0.3 ohm build and I can feel the connector center pin move when I depress it with a toothpick although of course it's tight as it should be.
  8. John: It's stable unless within the normal range that I tighten the attys but if you crank it down really hard the apparent resistance rises from the .37 range to .47-.5. I checked the Device Monitor at several points and there was never an indication of a temperature curve during a puff.
  9. John: As requested....Atomizer Analyzer shot of cold atomizer.
  10. The primary attomizers used on the DNA 200 are Kanger subtank mini's although I've also checked the same parameters with original (non clone) Origen and Manta drippers).
  11. John: I just put on a NI 200 coil with unlocked resistance. Resistance is shown as 0.17 oms...That also does not show a temp trace in Device Monitor
  12. John: I locked the ohms then put on a different atty that mesures 0.3 ohms on a dna 40 and on my ohm meter. The DNA 200 asked if it was a new coil and I said yes (of course). The DNA 200 shows the resistance at 0.445 ohms. Unlocked the resistance and put on a tank that measures 0.2 ohms on the ohm meter. The DNA 200 shows resistance of 0.390 ohms. None of these attys are showing a temp curve in Device Monitor.
  13. John: Yes, the reference resistance does change with ohm lock on. I first tired to lock ohms to see if that was related to the problem. I'll go check that again just to confirm. I'm pretty sure it's not a problem with the coil or 510 since the same tank gives stable resistance on other devices and I've checked it multiple times on an ohm meter two dna 40's and two SX M's and found no resistance floating. I'll get back to you asap after checking ohm lock again.
  14. John: I posted a screen shot earlier showing the temp not showing up in escribe during a puff. After multiple hard boots I managed to get the temp to show up normally and then left the device to sit on the desk for over an hour with no activity. Now I get the following behavior....temp shows up but definitely NOT normal. I'd appreciate your help/recommendations.
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