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sdmf74 last won the day on December 20 2019

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About sdmf74

  • Birthday 10/08/1974

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  • Full Name
    Jay Lee
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  • What DNA product do you own or plan to buy?
    Custom DNA200 w/ maxamps 1850mah, THERION DNA166, Therion DNA75

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  1. Version .75


  2. It must not be cause several days after I updated to a newer version it finally asked me if I wanted to install another even newer version, Im not sure what the deal is but I do know that Evolv could make it a whole heck of a lot less confusing
  3. Evolv can you fix the auto updater please? I have been running sp 1.2 sp5 all this time and I just noticed that even though Escribe is connected to the internet (signed in) and "automatically check for service packs" is selected in the options menu Escribe never tells me when there is new firmware. Not until I have searched for (confusing as heck) and downloaded a new service pack. Only then does it ask me if I want to apply a new service pack?
  4. I think thats a good idea probably the only option I have at this point but like I said I wish I had a better understanding of TCR and changing the values. If anyone has any good links you could post so I can learn how please do? I dont think it has much to do with the tank but Ive noticed it with the Melo 2/3, Lemo 3, and even the Crown 2 SS coils. Funny thing is I can take my crown 2 of my new dna 250 (or any of my DNA devices) barely puffin vapor @ 600F and pop it on my 2.5 year old $30 Evic vtc mini and it vapes fine. These are NOT knockoff coils, I know ebay sells knockoff coils but these are not it btw. EC NC 0.25OHM HEAD ECL 0.30OHM HEAD UWELL CROWN II TANK COIL
  5. I think its a well known fact that SS wire requires a much higher temp setting on the device. At least when building our own coils we have more control over the quality of vape we get, not so much with manufactured coils. I tried locking the resistance and it didn't seem to help much. I wish I had a complete understanding on how to adjust the tcr to counter the shortcoming of the DNA devices. I've tried to research it a couple times just couldn't find a whole lot of good info on it and I'm not sure it would even help much with SS anyway. After all when the first devices with tc came out and the temperature range was established with a max of 600F SS wire wasn't even considered as a possible wire material so it should be obvious to evolv that raising the temperature to meet the needs of new materials is a good solution even if it just to 650 or 700F. I'm curious does evolv pop in on threads any more? I know they used to participate in the forums quite a bit. I would be interested to get their take on the situation.
  6. I agree with everything you said that's why I think evolv should look into allowing for a higher temp setting, if its not possible to only allow higher temp for ss materials then raise it across the board. I don't see why this can't be done with a firmware update as one other person argued. I have read other threads similar to mine so I know it's not just me having temp issues with stainless steel wire. I will try your suggestion but I think a better solution could be had with help from evolv.
  7. Yeah its got me stumped, ive tried everything I can think of and I just grabbed my new serpent mini that I havent even used yet and built a coil with some 26awg UD 316l and it vapes fine at a much lower temp so it does seem to be just the eleaf SS coils and some of the aspires too but Ill have to retest with them (aspires) its been a while.
  8. I have only used the cleito SS coils once and I dont remember having any issues with them. Not sure what you mean by the "29 hour problem". As I said Its the same thing on different tanks so no deck or center pin problem. I too had a problem once with a wonky subtank base but thats not the problem here. I may just have to find different coils, normally eleaf coils are great (non ss) and they dont cost $20 a pack Sorry for the delay, here is the ss's of a puff on Lemo 3 (new) w/ eleaf notch coil general tab, materials tab, mod tab
  9. Instead of quoting multiple comments I will just share some replies. First a Preheat punch only makes things worse, if I use a preheat I just hit Temp protect sooner resulting in a colder vape, need more headroom not less. Different wires are great, I own them all but the point of this thread is to get a satisfying vape from 316,316L. Titanium tastes funny to me and I dont like it, but tempered N1200 is great. I realize SS wire has a smaller range for the device to recognize TC but if its possible with homemade SS coils it really should be possible with manufactured coils such as the eleaf and aspire coils I mentioned above, I am referring to the aspire coils and all of the eleaf SS coils including the new notch coils (not sure about the 1.8ohm ones though never used them). I dont seem to have this problem with my Lightening Vapes 36ss/24ss clapton or my 36ss/24k clapton wires using the tcr's on their website or even the evolv 316l tcr with the LV wire. I want to respond to this reply: "I would speculate that there are some settings that need to be tweaked or there are problems with the atomizers. The one that pops into mind, first, is mod resistance. At 600 degrees you should be getting a disgusting, burnt, taste loaded with things you really don't want to be inhaling. In fact, even at about 500 degrees the taste should be getting right on the edge of being bad. In terms of safety, not producing harmful by-products, you really want to stay below 470F." I know how to set mod resisitance, I have a solid copper threaded plug thats perfectly machined and have set M.R. on all my DNA devices. Most are around .004 but I have tried .006 and of course 0.00. mod resistance doesnt help with the issue. Trust me there is nothing unsafe about these coils at 600F, it is a VERY weak vape barely producing any vapor no matter what tank I use. Center pins are fine as I said its not the mod, I have tried 4 different DNA Devices and 3 different boards 75,200,250. I also clean my threads with q tip and 91% alcohol. Thanks for all your replies! Does anyone actually use the coils I am referring to? remember I am not talking about building with prefab wire, I do that mostly & it works fine but some of my tanks require premade coils (obviously) and thats the problem here. I think posting screenshots of device monitor should help for those that can decode it better than I. Let me eat my spicy chicken strips from hardees and I will get them posted as requested, thanks again
  10. I didn't know where to post to suggest future changes to the firmware but I cannot believe that this wasn't changed long ago. I like to vape primarily temp control and stainless steel coils and the majority of stainless steel coils from eleaf and aspire require a higher temp setting than 600f. I find myself vaping at 600f and getting a weak vape, if I press the up button once to turn off tc I get a much more satisaying vape but I prefer tc. It's the same issue with all of my DNA devices Reuleaux, therion dna75, therion dna 166, and even a custom built DNA200 with a max amps lipo. Is there a way to increase the temp above 600f (say to 650 or more) for ONLY stainless steel materials in a future version of the software? I have tried everything I can think of to fix the issue so if anyone has any suggestions please do? I would be interested In hearing what brandon or anyone at evolv has to say about it, I'm sure there are reasons for not going above 600f but honestly SS materials need it. I'm not real good with setting the tcr parameters and I'm guessing that could be one work around the issue but for those of us that don't fully understand tcr I'm hoping for an update.
  11. ok thanks, sorry for the confusion just trying to figure out why they are out of order in the thread. As far as model numbers go thats what I thought it should be but they should be listed in order IMO. Not to mention the auto updater is sketchy and sharing version #'s between firmware & software doesnt help either
  12. OH sorry I forgot to post this. So do the download packages in the "early firmware" thread contain both software escribe and firmware for the device? And is EScribe 1.2 SP5a the newest? It says it auto updates to this but I have 5.2
  13. I am always confused about which is the newest firmware. In device monitor (DNA250) I show Version: 1.2 SP5 but in "about escribe" I show Version: 1.2 SP5.2. So which one is the correct firmware? And then when I go to the early firmware thread I get confused even further, I assume the newest firmware is at the top of the page but why would version 1.2 SP5a be newer than version 1.2 SP5.2? This makes no sense to me. I feel like escribe and firmware on the device should have totally diff version numbers to eliminate confusion....
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