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Posts posted by dwaindablane

  1. I prefer space coils IMO there just more stable, I personally use the atomizer monitor when I'm having difficulties obtaining a stable resistance. You may also find some attys have poor connection and/or static resistance that will effect temperature control, My SQuape Reloaded is an example of being absolute pants for TC therefore I only use it with Kanthal.

  2. Darklyspectre said:


    GG vapecige. Tell your potential customers that you demand that stores have a huge markup and destroy competitive online pricing.

    Guess who isn't touching their products now.

    Now that I don't agree with, you should be able to sell at a price one wants to sell at. Greedy China trying to dictate whats done internationally. I won't be buying a VT200, I'll stick to my built mod thank you China :thumb:

    MSRP = manufacturer's suggested retail price, doesn't that mean just that, suggested price!!

  3. Like all DNA products when you enable stealth mode, you loose the ability to make adjustments.

    John/James Can you make stealth mode so when firing the device it doesn't display, seems a PITA that you have to disable stealth mode to make changes to settings like watts, temperature etc...

    All menus should be displaying the screen during setting changes to the times set within the software IMO.

  4. VapingBad said:

    I just tried Analysis Atomiser with a Velocity clone with 2.5 sq mm solid copper in place of the coil, the closest thing I could rig to a short, but the atty will have a few milliohm.  I got 10 milliohm for my 1590A mod with a VariTube with stretched spring using 14 AWG wire and 13 milliohm for the Evolv mod, I suspect that the common earth rather than the 510 is why it is higher.  But I don't think the resistance is that high I need a better method like a brass bolt to fit the 510.  27/7/15 fw

    20150729_150139_-_Copy.jpg   20150729_145754_-_Copy.jpg    20150729_150052_-_Copy.jpg

    I have an internal resistance of around 0.018ohms, I thought that was why Mod-Mod Resistance was there to account for mods internal resistance in the software.

    When I don't have any value set in the Mod Resistance field I can not get the correct shorted screen up when shorting the 510, I do when I apply 0.018ohm in the field.

    If When I enter my mods resistance I seem to get a weak vape, when I default back nothing in this field the vape goes back to normal, am I going bonkers?
  5. John, if there's more specific tests I can do, please let me know I willing to give it a shot.

    Devices I tend to use are as follows, in both TC and Kanthal builds

    • Kanger Subtank (Used the tank for testing as it seems the most stable)
    • Kayfun V4 (Seems okay with the upgraded spring)
    • SQuape-R (Have difficulties with this one, use Kanthal mostly as a result)
    • Magma / Velocity RDA's (Works fine in TC)

    Under device monitor is there any useful information including, debug tab that is useful to us all for testing?
  6. John said:

    Also, try reverting to 7/14 and see if the problem goes away. It could be a bug in 7/16. 

    Hi John, I downgraded the firmware as suggested, and can confirm that the problem goes away.

    The new firmware looks like ohms lock isn't actually locking the resistance and the board was still trying to refine the resistance, similar problem to my very first DNA40.
  7. Hmm, strange you mention about having to hard reboot the device druckle,

    for the last several days I've had a similar problem, it vapes fine after a coil rebuild, leave it for an hour when I go back it vapes weak and doesn't reach the previous temperature like before. I hard reboot then device then it vapes fine again, and that's with the ohm lock on as well. doing a soft reboot seems not to have any effect, but doing a hard reboot does.

    NI200 Annealed 26awg - Spaced 8 wraps 0.1ohms

  8. Like I said previously and confirmed by John, ohms on the DNA 200 is live when fired in Kanthal mode, but static when using temperature mode and displays only cold temp when you first confirm the ohm of the coil. It's done that way because of refinement mode after you stop vaping, the board refines itself in an attempt to make it more accurate. I personally lock my ohm because I still find certain attys internal ohms drifts and causes either weak/strong sometime burnt vape experience.

    So that only leaves you the ability to view live ohms in the atomizer analyzer.

    Why would you want to see live ohms anyway? When Personally vaping I'm not interested in live ohms, nor can I see the screen anyway.

    If I'm struggling to fault find a atty/coil I have installed, I fire up EScribe software and check the resistance using the atomizer analyzer for stability, There you can normally find loose connections, atty to 510 etc....

  9. I have the exact same 3D print from Shapeways. Couple of thing to look at.

    1. I had to file the 3d printed buttons on the sides and the holes of the case front slightly as I was finding that the down button for my was sticking when pressed.
    2. Try loosening the three screws that hold the board to the face slightly I also found over tightening them also caused sticky buttons.
    Overall the 3d printed case design works but isn't the greatest but since this isn't going to be my final case I settle for I'm happy for now, and for me was always more of a short term until other cases become available or I design my own case.

    Good luck hope it works out :thumb:

  10. I have been a tit and blown the on board fuse when connecting a new battery in reverse, the board is still seems to be functioning when hooked up via USB and the screen shows it's display :D

    What is the fuse part number for replacing the on board fuse? I live in the UK so seems silly to ship this board back to the US when I'm comfortable replacing this blown fuse myself, sorry if this has been discussed elsewhere on the forum.

  11. glassjaw121986 said:

    I just got my Opus 2 days ago and its working amazingly well. Temp control is everything I thought it should be now. I'm almost afraid of doing the update after reading these 2 posts. Don't know enough about the software to know if I should leave it alone or update it anyway? Any feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks

    glassjaw, I've have been running my DNA200 that I made myself for the last week and a half with no issues and have been running the upgraded firmware with no problems as the guys have issued updates.

    If these mods are popping fuses I don't think that would be anything to do with the firmware, otherwise they would be seeing lots of peeps posting dead boards.
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